Entries by Valet

Complete Social WORK Discussion 1

As a social work student, it is important to understand the need for theory-informed practice. As you assess, intervene, and evaluate in your practice, theory is an essential foundation for clinical social work. The use of theory to inform and guide your practice is what establishes you as a professional. In working with clients, you […]

What is the main argument/point of the documentary? (1-2 paragraphs) Connect the content of the documentary with at least one term, concept or theory from course materials. (1-2 paragraphs) What is your personal response to the film? (1-2 paragraphs)

Watch the documentary Stanford Prison Experiment Answer the following questions: What is the main argument/point of the documentary?  Connect the content of the documentary with at least one term, concept or theory from course materials. What is your personal response to the film?

disorder, apa format, zero plag, 1000 words

Topic: generalized anxiety disorder: Part 2- Turning in your final treatment plan and Analysis The final treatment plan will include the primary diagnosis, diagnostic testing recommended by National Guidelines. Medications, interventions, education, labs, follow up, referrals. After completing the treatment plan include the following sections in a large area called ANALYSIS: Pathophysiology and Pharmacology: For […]

Los Angeles Pierce College Suicide Anomic Concepts Summary

I’m working on a sociology multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. For this post, I would like you to consider Durkheim’s concept of anomie. Durkheim seems to think of and use this term as an individual problem, but I also wonder if it can be thought of as a […]