Psychological Disorders Discussion

I’m stuck on a Psychology question and need an explanation. 1-Do you have a phobia? Spiders? Heights? Public speaking?  2-Why do you think it is so difficult to diagnose somatic symptom disorders? 3-Why does DSM-5 matter? 

KU Grieve and Loss from A Phenomenological Perspective Research Paper

write a research paper on concepts covered in this class. Your will engage in both academic and phenomenological research. You will interview 3 to 5 persons over the age of 69. You must interview at least one male and one female and you must interview persons from at least two ethnic groups. Each interview will […]

PSY 640 AU Professional Approaches to Assessment in Psychology Discussion

For your initial post, you will present at least two viewpoints debating professional approaches to assessment used in psychology for Adults ages 26 through 60.  In addition to the required reading, research a minimum of one peer-reviewed article from the Ashford University Library on ability testing research at is pertains to your assigned age group. […]

PCO 475 MDC Current Issues and Trends in Family Counseling Discussion

I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. How can an understanding of  current issues and trends in  the field  of marriage, family, and relationship counseling contribute  to a  counselor’s ability to effectively address various challenges  facing  families and relationships today? Provide examples of  specific challenges […]

SMC Psychology Contemporary Theories of Development Discussion

I need support with this Psychology question so I can learn better. Choose any two contemporary theories of development from this list: 1.Conditioning (Behaviorism) 2. Social Learning Theory (Bandura) respond to the following: Reflect on your own childhood and provide an example of how each of your selected theories has influenced your own growth and […]

Senior Assisted Technology Discussion

In the past several years, there have been many advances in technology designed to support the adult and aging population in their day-to-day lives. For example, medical alert necklaces (“Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”) and lift chairs that assist seniors in rising from a sitting position. Many of these technologies allow seniors […]

GCU The Voluntary Nature of Communal Feeling Discussion Responses

I need a response to each selected peer:  Although in long and common use in and outside of Adlerian psychology, both the term and the meaning of belongingness stir up frequent and hot debates among researchers and practitioners. Please read Bitter and West’s interview with Ansbacher first, then Corsini’s response second, and then listen to […]

PSY 200 PU Aging Death and Dying in Later Adulthood Discussion

In this unit you have had the opportunity to learn about aging into later adulthood, the challenges surrounding facing one’s mortality, and bereavement.  In thinking further about these topics, how might a person’s cultural background and family culture contribute to their viewpoint and treatment of aging, death, and dying in later adulthood?  Explain your answer. […]

Cross Culture Project

PSY 246 CCU Late Adulthood Faith and Integrity Discussion

A major challenge of late adulthood can be the loss of physical health or a previous lifestyle (for instance, many older adults come to a point where they are no longer able to drive or live independently). In addition, many may lose friends or a spouse during the older adult years. These changes present Christians […]