AIU Psychology Victim Advocacy and Social Policy Essay

Preparation For the Week 5 assignment, Victim Advocacy and Social Policy, you explore a victim advocate role and examine how social policies can impact that role. Search for a victim advocate role in your geographic area, or other nearby larger area if there are no victim advocates where you live. (Some smaller counties may not […]

Types of Parenting Discussion

I’m studying and need help with a Psychology question to help me learn. Discuss the types of parenting

JMVU Current Issues And Trends In Counseling Discussion

I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. How can an understanding of current issues and trends in the field of marriage, family and relationship counseling contribute to a counselor’s ability to effectively address the various challenges facing families and relationships today?  Please provide examples of […]

FU Advanced Family Nurse Practitioner Womens Health Discussion

I’m working on a psychology writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Sarah  is a 40-year-old healthy female who presents to her nurse practitioner  for her yearly checkup. She is sexually active with her boyfriend and  doesn’t use condom. Her last pap smear was 5 years ago. Discuss  the recommended […]

Climate Change a Real and Big Threat to The World Argumentative Essay

Make sure your Argumentative Paper is on the same topic that you chose for Discussion # 4. “Is Climate Change a Real Big Threat to the World”

AMU Hurricane Harvey in Houston Texas 2017 Research Paper

Over the past 10 years, there have been incidences and situations which have negatively affected large numbers of the population in the United States.  Research an incidence or situation in the United States. Clearly explain:  1. The incident that took place. 2. The issues involved. 3. The stress impact on children and family. 4. At […]

University of Phoenix Psychology Enhancing Employee Performance Essay

Select a minimum of 3 scholarly studies, review the study results, and reflect on the findings. Explain in 350 to 525 words how each study impacts the body of research on enhancing employee performance.

MDC Dream Meaning Interpretation Discussion

Your Assignment Read the section titled “REM Sleep and Dreaming” on page 168 and “Dream Theories” on pages 169-170 in your textbook.  These sections discuss theories on dreams, the history of dream interpretation, the most common characteristics of dreams, and the meaning of dreams. Check out these websites: Freud Museum: Dream Analysis-You may have to […]

Things You Are Still Procrastinating Questions

What are the things you are still procrastinating to finish this semester? List them out. Why do you think you haven’t applied implementation intentions and other course concepts to avoid waiting for the last minute? Give a detailed explanation and what is your plan to complete what is left to do this semester.