UCSD What Happened to The Perfect Child Sociology Discussion

Answer Question 1.Describe a scene within the documentary that connects to a concept or theory that has been covered in this course: 2.With which Concept or Theory, Act or Law (covered in this course) does this scene connect? (i.e. Age of Responsibility, Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act, Antibullying programs, anomalies etc.) 3.In which chapter […]

Grand Canyon University Inequalities Report Paper

Your experience with inequality has formed part of your personal identity. If we want to develop impartial perspectives about inequality and other social problems, we can review information gathered by groups who try to be objective. As we expand our understanding beyond our personal experiences, we can better communicate with others to either broaden their […]

ECE 341 AU Social and Emotional Development Theories Discussion

Social and Emotional Developmental theories have been conceptualized based on the work of Erik Erickson, Stanley Greenspan, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and others. Select and discuss two social and emotional theories that resonate most with your personal views. Your discussion must include a description of the similarities and differences between your two chosen theories. Please […]

Complete Social Worker Discussion (WALDEN)

Specific skills and knowledge are essential for a social worker working with children. Understanding transference and countertransference is crucial to a healthy therapeutic relationship. Both transference and countertransference can be evident in any client–therapist relationship, but are especially important in working with children because of a common instinct among adults to protect and nurture the […]

SMC Understanding the Operational Dynamics and Social Impact of White Nationalist and Right Wing Populist Organizations Essay

Question/prompt(s): What have you learned about the way white nationalist and right-wing populist organizations operate? How do they retain their members? How do they affect the social world? Your essay should incorporate and cite to the four required reserve readings from Simi et al, Windisch & Simi, Weiner & Zellman, Statzel and to the film […]

SOCY1OO Week 3 Discussion:Culture and Society

People celebrate many holidays and festivals that are imbued with meaning. For your main post this week, include the following two parts: Part 1. Choose a festival or holiday with which you are familiar. Based on your study of the Week 3 learning resources (UMGC, n.d.), explain some key aspects of the holiday or festival, […]

UAG Sociology Langauge Being a Building Block of Cultures Essay

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Write an essay about a culture that you encountered that is different from your daily culture. This paper should include: A discussion of the different building blocks and how you saw them exhibited. Comparisons of the building blocks […]

Intro to Socialogy

Context:  Historically, poverty has been disproportionately concentrated in urban areas.  Around the world, cities have been known for their large pockets of the country’s poor and infirm, recent immigrants and those who lack needed resources to succeed.  This has been a global pattern for generations.  But this pattern seems to have changed, at least in […]

Occupy Wall Street and The Egyptian revolution Essay

1-The Occupy Wall Street Movement is a current Social Movement in the U.S. Take a few minutes to review the following links to familiarize yourself somewhat with the movement: Occupy Wall Street About Page (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Map: Occupy Wall Street, a global movement (Links to an external site.)Links […]