Building to large-scale change

Write about immigrants in high school Narrative Analysis: [ Section Title] Make the reader care about your issue: 1. Issue& frame. How does your issue impact lives and how has it changed over the past decades? Critique a frame related to this issue you  think is harmful. What is its narrative and key symbols: characters, […]

Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College the New Jim Crow Discussion

I’m trying to study for my Sociology course and I need some help to understand this question. What is the new Jim Crow? How does mass incarceration relates to social class and racial inequality?

English Grantham Univercity 5 paragraph Essay

PPlease view my outline attached for my topic proposal. The essay must be on the topic I have already chosen. There can be no plagiarism at all. Please make sure to send with a turd in and report. This is ML a format

SOC 450 Solutions to Global Issues Essay

Step 1 Select two threats. Listed below are  eight issues that the UN feels pose the most significant threats to  global security. Some of these apply to the Earth’s 7.7 billion people,  while others are limited primarily to developing countries. Regardless  of where these threats are concentrated, your job as a consultant is to  identify two of them that you consider the most critical to the globe’s population. Issue Options The use of fossil fuels as an energy source. Globalization. Insufficient educational opportunities in developing countries. A lack of access to technology. Civil war (NOT the U.S. Civil War). The rise in oceans’ levels. Covid-19 and the global pandemic. The dangers of poor countries remaining poor. Step 2 Write a minimum of an 8 page persuasive paper about your two threats. Write an introduction paragraph of at  least one-half page in length identifying the two threats you have  selected and the purpose of the paper. Then, for the two threats you  chose: Identify the factors that make it such a serious risk to the global environment that you would choose to present it to the UN. Analyze the role that humans have played in aggravating this threat to the Earth’s environment. Suggest initiatives that the global community can take to mitigate the worst effects of this environmental threat. Write a conclusion paragraph of at least  one-half page in length that summarizes your impressions of these risks  for global stability.

US Democracy

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Is the US a democracy? Who rules America: the majority or the minority?  Review the following:  From China: The State of Democracy in the USA Minority Rule in US Democracy The Constitution and minority rule How to stop minority rule

SOC 001 Glendale Community College Observation on Sex and Gender Comparison Table

Sex and Gender We learned this week that sex is biological and gender is cultural. We listened to an NPR program that introduced us to two families with boys who were born identifying as girls. From the minute they could speak, they told their parents they were girls. However, the social norms and values assigned […]

UA Sociological Imagination Essay

Objective This exercise provides the opportunity to more fully explain the concept of the “sociological imagination” and how it helps us to understand our experiences and society. Description Developing a sociological analysis of society often involves developing the capacity to “strange the familiar” or look at the taken for granted world around us from a […]

Tidewater Community College Sociology Discussion

Family and Education LISTEN to the audio and READ this NPR article on education (where we are) (AUDIO – 3 min) “Parents are scrambling after schools suddenly cancel class over staffing and burnout” – Links to an external site.  After reading/watching the Learning Materials for this unit, respond to the following questions: What      are the functions of education? From the symbolic interactionist      perspective – what does “school” mean, to you? What      are the functions of the family? From the symbolic interactionist      perspective – what does “family” mean to you? According      to the video – Changing Education Paradigms – what have been challenges in      education over the past decade (pre-Covid19). According      to the NPR article, why are schools seeing an acceleration of school      closures unrelated to Covid19? According      to the NPR article, how are families reacting to these closures? Why are      parents upset? Apply      the conflict theory to this situation (questions 4 & 5): What groups      benefit most from the decision to close schools? Which groups lose? Apply      functionalism to this situation (questions 4 & 5): How are      schools/families able to function (i.e. contribute to social stability)?      If schools/families are feeling disorganized, then they are dysfunctional.      Do you observe any dysfunctions in school or family?  __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medicine, Politics and the Economy Review this website to orient yourself to the idea of vaccine exemptions: “What are the Vaccine Laws in Your State?”: Links to an external site./Links to an external site. Some states allow for vaccine exemptions based on philosophical or religious differences. You’ll note that this article is dated 2015, well before Covid19 and the Covid19 vaccine. The case for mandating vaccines has been an ongoing topic of debate. Answer the following questions:  1) Is the decision to vaccinate different from other types of personal health decisions? Why or why not? Think sociologically, not personally. What is the function of vaccinations in society? Who benefits most when people get vaccinated?  2) Who should be involved in deciding whether children receive a specific vaccine? Reflect on all the institutions we’ve covered so far (family, education, religion, medicine, government, workplaces). Identify all the people or institutions that should be involved in this decision, and explain why you think they should have input. 3) For citizens, regardless of age, should the government have the right to compel (mandate) vaccination? Why or why not? This should not be a personal opinion, you should be applying concepts. Think sociologically.   4) For minors, should parents have the right to refuse it? Think sociologically. How would this affect the individual versus how will it affect society?  5) For employers, should workplaces have the authority to require vaccines for their employees? 6) If there are competing beliefs among groups, who should have the ultimate authority on something like vaccination? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Essay #1: Why do purity and brightness sum up the ethos of Shintoism?  Essay #2: How might neo-Confucianism be seen as an attempt to harmonize Buddhism, Daoism, and early Confucianism?  Essay #3: Compare and Contrast the western view of holding to a “single” religious belief and the eastern view of embracing various concepts from many faiths.