Fostering Language Development

I’m studying for my Sociology class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study? Parents and Early Childhood Teachers have unique opportunities and responsibilities to foster an infants’ and toddlers’ language development.  Share at least three strategies parents and/or teachers can use to foster and support infants’ and toddlers’ language development. […]

Technology and Society

Read the article: 11 Reasons Why People Love and Use Social Media… Now find a different article that provides valid information sharing a different perspective on utilizing social media. As you evaluate the key points and information shared within both articles, write A essay addressing the following criteria: ·Briefly summarize the positive and negative […]

SMC A Deeper Dive Into the Stanford Prison Experiment Paper

You will submit an individual research essay  based on your group research project and proposal.  Please include the following: 1) Introduction (what is your topic, why did you and your group choose this topic?  what kinds of discussions did your group have? What is your thesis/hypothesis/research objectives & goals?) (The title page, if you have […]

criminal justice and art question

Part 1 What is the most interesting thing you learned about Japanese art by reading the following NYT article? the article is attached below. Part 2 Tracie and Molly, both 12 years old, spoke on the phone and decided they were going to kill their homeroom teacher Ms. Geiger. The girls agreed Molly would bring […]

Psych of Latinx Family Discussion post#2

Read Smokowski etal_2008.pdf and Trail etal_2012.pdf Instruction for Responses: There is no limit to the length of your discussion response. However, a strong response is usually 1 paragraph in length that includes specific examples from course readings, class lectures, or other outside sources to support any claims/opinions. You can provide examples from the course or […]

WmS 318 project


social construction of gender and sexuality

Please write a one page essay on one aspect of the the material Questions that can guide entries include:  What are the aspects of the course material with which you agree? Explain your position.  What are the aspects of the course material with which you disagree? Explain your position.  How does the material relate to […]