Perceptions of Deviance Crime Victims and Justice Discussion

I’m studying and need help with a Sociology question to help me learn. The media informs many viewers of deviance and crime, victims of crime, and justice in society. Consider and describe the following: Where do you get your information about: Deviant behavior Crime Victims of crime  Justice for victims Describe your perception of Deviant […]

First Amendment, 600 words

Case 1 How much information should you report?  THE SCENARIO: You are a reporter for a local newspaper. You come back to the office one day to find several staff members discussing this story: Two teenagers have been killed in an automobile accident. The driver, who survived, had been drinking prior to the accident. The […]

Juno film discussion 1. Did you enjoy this film? How believable did you find the characters, and with which of them did you find most easy to empathize? 2. Screenwriter Diablo Cody asserts that the film “raises a lot of questions about love, freedom, marriage and where we’re ultimately supposed to end up in life.” What did you think were the key themes in the film? To what extent did you think that the film took these issues seriously? 3. Some have suggested that the unconventional dialogue in the film serves to either mask or reveal the thoughts and feelings of the characters. What do you think about that? Why do you think people, especially adolescents, invent new words and phrases to express themselves? What was your favorite line in this film, and why? 4. “I think that kids get bored and have intercourse.” What do you think contributes to “sexually active” adolescents and unplanned pregnancies? How did you feel about the way “Juno” approaches these issues? Any thoughts about how we might respond effectively to these issues in contemporary society?v 5. Juno has some strong ideas about the kind of parents she wants for her baby. What did you think about her criteria? What criteria might you set in that situation? 6. What did you think about Juno’s relationship with Bleeker? Do you think their relationship will endure? How is love presented in this film? 7. The film starts and end with a chair. Did you see any significance to that? To what extent do the characters and their lives change in between, and what lessons are learned? 8. What insights from readings, assignments, forums or other avenues come to mind as you reflect on this film from the perspective of a student of the family (and I consider all of us as students of the family)?

self monitoring

Barriers of self monitoring of illnesses among hispanic adult patients in the United States 

What Is the Impact of Self Care Practices on The Well Being of Social Workers Research Paper

Task summary:You are to write a research task Full order description: Dear Freelancer, please write MAIN DETAILS: Research Topic: The Impact of Self-Care Practices on the Well-Being of Social Workers Research question: “What is the impact of self-care practices on the well-being of social workers?”This is a new assignment. The information from the last assignment […]

Case Study

California State University San Marcos Public Sociology: An Important Issue in Education

Your final project will ideally take one of your discussion board postings (and any replies) to write an essay about an important issue in education. You will present compelling opening sentences to catch the readers’ attention, describe the issue, explain what impacts or causes the issue, argue for recommendations, and close the essay with a […]

Counterfactuals and Hypothesis Testing in Political Science Essay

What is (at least) one major difference between quantitative and qualitative approaches? What types of research questions are better studied using quantitative approaches and what types are better studied with qualitative approaches? Good research convinces us that something is true. Discuss why researchers often build their arguments using BOTH correlational evidence (showing an IV and […]

moeny and evil

I need an explanation for this Sociology question to help me study. moeny and evil This is for a public speaking speech  competition. it has to be a 02 minute speech with examples , quotations, humorous that would attract the audience. Also has to be a very challenging  speech as it is a competition.