SOCI 11101

Question 1: The idea of deviance is universal however, deviance itself is not universal. What does this statement mean (give examples)? (300 words)  Question 2: How does the labeling theory apply to how we see deviance (give examples) ( 300 words) 

SNHU Sociology Root Causes of Poverty Discussion

Analyze what you believe are the root causes of poverty by thinking about the role of the individual as well as the role of society. In your initial post, answer the following questions: What role does the individual play in the fight against poverty? How do different social variables (e.g., race, class, and gender) impact […]

SOC 301 AU Sociology Identity and Social Inequality Discussion

The mass media act as an agent of socialization, teaching individuals the social and cultural ideals of their society. As individuals, the media not only teach us about society’s expectations and desired behaviors, but we also learn which social identities our society values the most and which are seen as less desirable. For this discussion, […]

SOC 333 University of Arizona Global Campus Qualitative Research and Its Importance Paper

In your paper, you will present the benefits of ethnographical research in terms of understanding a unique social world, as well as understanding the qualitative researcher’s role in performing and reporting on ethnographic research. You will do this through the resources provided, your own research of immersive ethnographical approaches, and also through critiquing Dr. Loïc […]

UNLV Three Things Amy Cooper Did Personal Reaction

The purpose of this assignment is to incorporate unprecedented current events that parallel topics covered in this course. The paper should be 2-3 pages in length (but don’t stop if you’re on a roll!). No additional research is necessary for this assignment. However, those students wishing to explore a topic through additional research are welcome […]

Development of Correctional Philosophies Discussion

I’m stuck on a Sociology question and need an explanation. How may specific underlying social factors have influenced the development of correctional philosophies?

SVSU Matthew Desmond and Mustafa Emirbayer’s textbook Race in America Question

Please respond to all parts (A, B, C and D the following prompt): Analyze the 3 graphs below from Matthew Desmond and Mustafa Emirbayer’s textbook Race in America. Graph 1 shows the percentage of white and Black high school seniors reporting drug use over time. Graph 2 shows the number of white and Black young […]

Data Analysis: Vaccinated Individuals in NC

Do a data analysis on the number of individuals vaccinated (Covid-19) in the state of North Carolina and the state of New Jersey, compare the numbers and answer three questions about the findings of information on the Kaiser Family Foundation Covid -19 Board website. OPTION A: This option of the discussion includes several steps. Please […]

SMC White Nationalist and Right Wing Populist Beliefs and Rhetoric Essay

This is the prompt: What are some of the primary tropes (stereotypes), assumptions, and notions that characterize white nationalist and right-wing populist beliefs and rhetoric? The essay must incorporate and cite to the four required reserve readings: 1) The Psychology of White Nationalism: Ambivalence Towards a Changing America by Christine Reyna, Andrea Bellovary, and Kara […]