CCC Transgender Youth Sports Discussion

I’m working on a sociology question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. 1.… 2.… 3. Please take a look at these news stories related to disputes over transgender rights related to youth sports participation.  4. Explain the issue, take a stance and support your position. 

AMU Sociology Critical Sectors in Promoting Resilience Research Paper

Instructions Scenario: You are working at a government agency and your section recently received a new intern, River, to learn about critical infrastructures. River will be with your section for at least six months, perhaps permanently. The section chief tasked you to write a short paper on three of the critical infrastructures for River this […]

Follow the instruction to answer 300words discussion questions.

I need support with this Sociology question so I can learn better. * What are media to you? what elements of everyday life involve using media (hint: what everyday activities can you do without using media? what everyday tasks do you absolutely need media to accomplish?) where do you draw the boundaries between ‘online’ and […]

SOC 122 LAPC demonstrate understanding of content through engagement in your choice of media, research literature…

Directions  You will demonstrate your understanding of course content through engagement in or with your choice of media, research literature, or reflective forms of expression (e.g., photography, art). The idea is to build on what you’ve learned to explore dimensions and processes of social stratification in everyday social settings and artifacts. You will be graded […]

Sociology Optimism Negative Thinking & Positive Thinking Discussion

According to the Mayo Clinic, optimism can be described as the belief that good things will happen to you and that negative events are simply temporary setbacks that can be overcome. Your answer to the age-old question is your glass half-empty or half-full can shed light on your tendencies toward optimism or pessimism. Optimistic thinking […]

UCI Sociology Collecting Data Based on Cooleys Theory Discussion

Socialization For this activity, you will mimic Cooley’s theory of the Looking Glass Self.  Cooley argues that identity is a social process that develops overtime based on the feedback you get from other and how you interpret that feedback as accurate or not. Part I: Interview/Collect Data on Cooley’s theory using the instructions below.  This […]

COW Global Comparative analysis of Germany and France Essay

Introduce each section, then describe and discuss the similarities and differences between the 2 nation-states for each section. Human Rights ( discuss specific possibilities, protections, violations,.. etc )  Globalization (globalization up/down may be discussed along with sustainable development and human rights issues in the above sections. Apply theories.  United Nations ( Identify the member status […]

Grantham University Social Work Transcript Discussion

THIS SHOULD BE WRITTEN AS A TRANSCRIPT BETWEEN A SOCIAL WORKER AND A CLIENT Trauma is ubiquitous. While trauma is most commonly associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, trauma can manifest in a myriad of different ways and not every client who experiences trauma will be diagnosed with PTSD. Social workers intervene directly with trauma when […]