University of California Why Should You Care College Athletes Getting Paid Discussion

Think about the assignment if you had 5 minutes to talk to someone about college athletes getting paid. What could you say in that time frame to have them change their opinion and view the event or individual in a lens outside of sports. 

CC Sociology Upholding Rights and Ethical Principles Essay

I’m working on a sociology question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. 1.Should policymakers allow for the use of torture or not?ake a stance on the topic. Do you think that torture should ever be used? Explain your interpretation of the use of torture. 2. Vote for the post that you […]

Write a detailed paragraph about sociological imagination in your own words.

I need help with a Sociology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn. Explain the sociological imagination. Provide a detailed example of using the sociological imagination, explaining how a larger societal problem impacts an individual.

SOC 313 Troy University Stereotypes Types of Norms Discussion

define and describe stereotypes, provide four age stereotypes and explain how they can be used by people of all ages to  affect peoples attitudes toward the elderly (including elderly toward themselves).   Explain detrimental affects this might have on older adults.  Do you ever stereotype the elderly yourself and if so, is it positive or negative […]

MacEwan University Humility and Determination Discussion Response

I’m studying for my Sociology class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study? student 1- Dalai Lama, a spiritual Buddhist leader once said, “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion”.  He further says, “compassion and tolerance are not a sign […]

Sociology discussion question

PART 1) “War and Peace.” Please respond to the following: Discuss substantive ways in which armed conflict has contributed and/or hindered economic, social or political growth in Honduras A) Be specific, I expect at least FIVE-substantial sentences regarding this topic. B) Do not use Bullet points, you must write complete sentences. C) Provide at least […]

Examining Disparities in Access and Treatment Essay

Is our healthcare system fair? Why or why not? How do access and treatment vary for people based on their gender? What about access/treatment based on markers of identity (choose one from race, ethnicity, class, religion, ability, etc.)? Please employ direct evidence from your reading this week to make your case. Then, think back to […]

Complete Short Social Work Discussion (WALDEN)

Discussion 1: Online Interventions Adolescence is a time of trials and tribulations. Teens are dealing with the formation of self and identifying who they are in the world. They are also experiencing biological changes that create mood swings and at times emotional outbursts. Interventions for this group can be challenging, as adolescents often avoid asking […]

MU How Social Services Address In-Home Mental Health Services for Clients Research Paper

Topic Specified: how social services address in home mental health services for clients Task summary:You are to complete a research proposal based on previous tasks. Full order description: Dear Freelancer ,please write the task: t MAIN DETAILS: -view and gather content from previous Assignments and Discussions that includes elements of your research proposal. You should […]