
For this Ethnography Activity you will do the following: Eating Habits: Taste or Symbol? Over the next week and a half try to engage as many of your friends/contacts/ teachers/family members etc. as possible in an ethnographic conversation about their eating habits. Don’t elicit information in an interview but try to work the conversation around […]

How Does Homelessness Affect Us Discussion

I’m working on a Sociology question and need guidance to help me study. Describe and discuss what the concepts of homelessness and begging means. How does this affect our society?  

SDSU Puberty Discussion

There must be a Works Cited Page (including the assigned materials/items) at the end of your original post. On the Works Cited Page the book would look like this: Carroll, Janell. Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity. Cengage Learning, 2019. You can access the book for free at the following link:… Also keep these tips in […]

Week 14,What Affects Health Discussion

I’m working on a Sociology question and need guidance to help me study. We often think of health as being in good bodily health. However, the World Health Organization defines health as “…a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Answer the following questions: […]

AU Sociology The Building Blocks of Culture Essay

I’m stuck on a Sociology question and need an explanation. The Building Blocks of Culture Culture can be seen in every society if you know the building blocks of it. Write an essay about a culture that you encountered that is different from your daily culture. This paper should include: 1.A discussion of the different […]

SOCI 1301 Neocolonialism vs Colonialism Discussion

I’m trying to study for my Sociology course and I need some help to understand this question. Discuss how neocolonialism differs from colonialism.   Give an example of neocolonialism. Give an example of colonialism. Compare and contrast modernization theory and dependence theory. What do you think  are the main causes of global hunger?

Solving problems

I’m trying to study for my Sociology course and I need some help to understand this question. Respond to the following:  You might have experience making decisions and solving problems on your own, but these tasks are quite different when working in a group. What would you need to consider when making decisions and solving […]

soc 185n: week 7 socioautobiography

Instructions There is a strong tradition of creating both sociologically-informed biographies and sociologically-informed autobiographies in the discipline of sociology. The socioautobiography is a “disciplined, systematic exploration of one’s life from a sociological point of view” (Hill, 2009, p. 3). Also, the sociobiography is the systematic exploration of another person’s life from a sociological point of […]