SU Sociology Popularity of Product Placement Discussion

Need help with my Sociology question – I’m studying for my class. Is product placement as popular in new media as it has been in traditional television and film content? Do you think over time audiences become anaesthetized to this type of advertising? Support your views with two or three reasons and/or examples. (Cite any […]

2013 Film Her Discussion

Prepare for this week’s discussion by watching the 2013 film Her. You can find this for rent at various places on the internet, such as YouTube Links to an external site.. Then in your discussion of about 500 words, explore how the film illustrates Turkle’s concerns, especially the robotic moment (your discussion should show that […]

Complete Social Theories Discussion (WALDEN)

Developing self-awareness starts with taking time to reflect on your own strengths and weaknesses, what distresses you, and what you find most comfortable in social work practice with your clients and colleagues. You have read about many theories and models at this point. There may have been theories and models that you were more inclined […]

SMC Choose two of the selections from part 5 in Gender Outlaws and personally reflect on these passages.

Choose two of the selections from part 5 in Gender Outlaws and personally reflect on these passages. Which two are you focusing on for this discussion? How have they challenged and confronted you? How have they opened your eyes and expanded your perspective? How do these selections challenge and confront the larger culture? How do […]

CSUSM Unraveling the Complexities of Educational Inequality Essay

After reading the material about methods, if you were going to study some aspect about education or schooling, what would it be? What research method(s) would you use and why? 

Dance Concert Report

Write a paper on the Dance Concert #2. The Library will be broadcast on the Performing Arts Center or the  Dance YouTube Channel.  Write a paragraph on each piece presented by name and choreographer.    Reflect on the strength of the theme, lighting, costumes and movement.   What insights did you gain from this dance concert?  What […]

Socialism Assimilation and Pluralism Difference Discussion

I’m working on a sociology report and need a sample draft to help me learn. Define assimilation and pluralism, how are they alike or different? What are the areas of assimilation you accept? disagree? What are some of the areas of pluralism you accept? disagree? Which one do you prefer and why? Which perspective do […]

How Do You Suppose Discussion

I don’t know how to handle this Sociology question and need guidance. How do you suppose that the developments discussed in this chapter eventually brought about the separation of children from others in the prison system?

American University of Science and Technoogy Juvenile Delinquency Journal

Chapter 6 introduces us to three different Critical theories that have been used to understand and address delinquency and crime. While these three theories (Labeling, Conflict and Feminist theories) highlight different factors related to delinquency, an underlying similarity among these theories is a focus on power and social control, as well as the need to […]

UP Managing a Teams Resources Summary Paper

I’m studying for my Sociology class and need an explanation. Your team has been humming along for a little over a week now. The conflicts that appeared last week seem to have subsided. However, your supervisor has just informed you that the deadline for completing your team’s goal has been moved up by two weeks. […]