Discussion Board

250 words min. The four panes of the Johari Window help to explain the process of self-disclosure and consider our own levels of self-awareness in the communication process. We may have blind spots in regard to certain aspects of our behavior, as do others. “Being real” or honest and authentic in our communications with others […]

SOC 132 UCLA Identity Theory Article Analysis

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. https://www.jstor.org/stable/2695840 That is the link to the article. I need a one page double spaced article analysis. I must identify the main concepts and arguments presented in the assigned readings, while also offering either critique of the arguments, […]

Cultural Ethics Related to International Disasters Discussion

Please discuss the importance and value of understanding cultural ethics as they are related to international/humanitarian disasters. Similarly, discuss why we as responders must conduct ourselves, and distribute resources ethically. 

San Diego State University Traditional Marriage Essay

Chapter 9 in the Wade & Ferree text suggests that “traditional marriage” is a loaded phrase. Discuss: What do people usually mean when they use the phrase? Is that type of marriage, in fact, traditional? By what measure? Did marriages at the time of the idealized “traditional marriage,” in fact, live up to the ideal? […]

SWK 520 GCU Domestic Violence in the United States Paper

Select ONE of the following social problems: Domestic violence Gender pay (wage) gap Child poverty Based on the social problem you have selected, do each of the following: Construct a “statement of the problem.” Summarize the magnitude of the problem in the United States, noteworthy policies or programs designed to address the problem, and relevant […]

Parent Teacher Associations Volunteer Based Organization Worksheet

SCENARIO: Your supervisor has approved your research question and plan for studying some aspect of diversity and/or collaboration in a community group. Now it is time to conduct your literature review and develop your hypothesis and research plan. ASSIGNMENT: In the first Touchstone, you developed a research question and prepared a preliminary bibliography for your […]

SOCI 8031 ASU Essential Health Workers Essay

https://www.brookings.edu/research/essential-but-undervalued-millions-of-health-care-workers-arent-getting-the-pay-or-respect-they-deserve-in-the-covid-19-pandemic/ Name:  Poverty in the News in Georgia 8 INSERT THE HYPERLINK to the material provided for you. You must use THIS TEMPLATE. Approximately two to three pages for each assignment. Use Times New Roman Font. Use 12 point font. Use double space. Do not include a cover sheet or a reference page. UPLOAD in […]

Death Penalty the Most Excruciating Documentary Discussion Questions

I’m stuck on a Sociology question and need an explanation. View one or more of the following documentaries about prison and the death penalty.  Death Penalty Most Excruciating Documentary – Prison Documentary (40:03) (Links to an external site.) Inside Death Row with Trevor McDonald 1 of 2 (47:25) (Links to an external site.) Inside Death […]

Franklin Pierce College Sociology Personal Reflection and An Educational Analysis Paper

This assignment is a personal reflection and an educational analysis of an important developmental and socialization experience. The paper should be 3- 4 pages. 12-size font, double-spaced.  For the paper, you can use bullets, a formal outline, or write your thoughts using complete sentences and paragraphs. Make sure the paper demonstrates that you put in […]