SSC 320 UArizona Global Campus Zaatari Refugee Camp Discussion

PART 1: Prepare: The Zaatari Refugee Camp is the largest Syrian refugee camp in the world and was opened by the Jordanian government and the United Nations in 2012. In 2017, there were over eighty thousand people in Zaatari and a total of 461,701 refugees had passed through the camp. They started by living in […]

Module 7 question

Reflection Making It Personal Discussion

Making It Personal This  course studied the major threats to the global well-being. In the  readings, media, and assignments, you were challenged to consider your  stance on the issues that were covered each week. In your personal life,  what global issue affects you most today? Reflect and share the steps you can take to prevent […]

Discussion 2 pargraph

Perhaps we attended private school, a religious school, public school, or you were home-schooled. Discuss your personal educational experience and how your family and culture may have influenced your choice of educational goals.

Ways in Which Colonialism Affects Present Day Africa Discussion

Assignment: A two-page extended abstract outlining the key arguments. My topic is: The ways in which colonialism affects present day Africa.

CU Sociology Biggest Problems Facing American Cities Essay

Essay 2: What are the biggest problems facing American cities today? What can be done to remedy them? Readings: Kohli, Sonali. “Modern Day Segregation in Public Schools,” The Atlantic 2014. Thompson, Heather Ann. “Inner-City Violence in the Age of Mass Incarceration,” The Atlantic 2014 Frazier, Ian, “Hidden City,” The New Yorker  2013. 

SP Equitable Schools Presentation

create a 30-minute presentation discussing an aspect of school social work.  Please include in the presentation a DVD clip (less than 5 minutes) of your choice related to the topic pertaining to school social work. The presentation should integrate information you learned from the textbook and one peer reviewed journal article. You will also need […]

Roman Civilization Discussion

Help me study for my Sociology class. I’m stuck and don’t understand. What similarities do find between Ancient Rome and how our country has developed or functions? What Roman invention or creation did you find most compelling/or intriguing? What message/lesson do you take away from the Roman Civilization?