Soc/315 cultural diversity help UOP week 5

The ability to work within a team environment is an essential skill in the workplace, regardless of your role or chosen industry. Effective team building can produce a highly connected group of individuals who are empathic, collaborative, and ready to solve difficult problems. This assignment will allow you to demonstrate how effectively you can analyze […]

Analysis on Food Security

Analysis on Food Security  The members of the United Nations found great value in the analysis you provided on the effects of global warming that result from population growth. They are now asking you write an additional analysis to include further issues related to population growth. Here is the issue they have asked you to […]

Conceptualizing and Operationalizing the Variable of Race.

Define both conceptualization and operationalization, and then conceptionalize and operationalize the variable of race. Read a report conducted by the Census Bureau on race and answer 4 questions pertaining to the report.  The essay should include the following subheadings:  Definitions Conceptualizes race Operationalizes race Census Bureau changes How changes to variables affect conclusions Reflection INSTRUCTIONS: […]

Write a 1-2 page paper explaining the behavior of police in the Rodney King beating and why the police and public viewed this incident so differently.

Write a 1-2 page doubled spaced paper explaining the behavior of police in the Rodney King beating and why the police and public viewed this incident so differently. You should first read Jennifer Hunt’s essay titled “Police Accounts of Normal Force.” Then consider our discussions in class about the principles of behavior. Use Hunt’s essay […]

Discussion Sociology

Refer to the online reading handout, Age, Race, Class and Sex in this week’s module by Audre Lorde. What is the mythical norm? How does it distinguish and demonstrate the multiple ways we can inhabit both dominant and subordinate categories? What are the consequences or experiences of inhabiting multiple subordinate categories? How do the consequences […]

answer dissuasion question

Read pages 253-268 (Chapter 9) Contemporary Sociological Theory and Its Classical Roots: The Basics, 5/e George Ritzer, University of Maryland and Jeffrey Stepnisky, Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2017. ISBN-13: 9781506339412 Pick question one or 2 to answer . Q1 Edward Said – Post colonial theory Edward Said was critical of Western “knowledge” that was organized around a simplistic distinction between West and East. He argued that the purpose of the academic field of “Orientalism” was to make sense of the Eastern world for Western people. Through its interpretation of non-Western social practices, it had the effect of associating “Eastern” with uncivilized and inferior. Said stated that for Europe the “Orient” has been among the “deepest and most recurring images of the Other”? What do you think “Other” means when used in this way? Q2 Patricia Hill Collins- Critical Theories of Race and Racism Patricia Hill Collins refers to race, class, gender, and so on as “interlocking structures of oppression.” The flip side of this argument is that while some are disadvantaged or oppressed on the basis of one or more of these categories, others continue to be advantaged or privileged depending on their position within these categories. Discuss how you believe privilege operates in peoples’ daily lives.  

SOC 315 San Diego State University Diversity in The Workplace Diversity Proposal

Imagine you have been hired as the new Diversity & Inclusion Specialist in the Human Resources (HR) department of the organization you currently work for or another organization of your choosing. One of the first tasks you are given is to create a diversity proposal in response to an anonymous complaint (below) that was recently submitted to the HR suggestion box: Complaint: I have been working here for 4 years. I am tired of watching the same “Diversity in the Workplace” 20-minute video each January in order to satisfy the company’s annual diversity training requirement. Nothing around here shows that this company values diversity. As one of a few people of color at this company, I feel like I’m just here to increase diversity numbers so the company “looks good” on paper. When are we going to actually do something to recognize all types of diversity? There are more aspects to diversity, besides race, that make individuals unique. Create a diversity proposal in which you address the following questions: What is the business case or proposition for recognizing the importance of diversity and inclusion? How can the organization create a mission and goals to outwardly express and reinforce its commitment to diversity and inclusion? What might the mission statement say to express that commitment? What are at least 2 short-term actions (less than 6 months) that the organization can take to immediately address some of the concerns expressed in the anonymous complaint? What are at least 2 long-term actions (6 months to 2 years) that the organization can take to address some of the concerns expressed in the anonymous complaint? How can the company enhance its current annual employee diversity training? Why is this training important? What initiatives can the company implement to celebrate diversity beyond race? How can these initiatives bring employees together to celebrate diversity and promote inclusion? What other suggestions do you have to improve workplace culture and messaging around diversity and inclusion?  

UI Global Inequality Discussion

Read this article: You will find a great deal of written information as well as numerous charts and graphs showing how Our world’s deepest pockets—“ultra high net worth individuals”–hold and astoundingly disproportionate share of global wealth. After reading the article and studying the charts and graphs please discuss your thoughts concerning what you learned.