Chapter 8 The Effects of Touch on Human Communication (Questions 1-10)

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Chapter 8 The Effects of Touch on Human Communication (Questions 1-10)

Provide brief answers to the following 10 questions. Avoid copying definitions and explanations from the text. Paraphrase and develop original (though brief is okay), answers and examples where possible. I am looking for your explanation of these ideas, not language found in the text or online. Do not retype the questions. Just number responses 1-10 and provide the answer. Please single space within numbered responses and double space between numbered responses (as seen below). You are free to use your text but you are expected to work alone on the assignment.

1. What did researchers Fisher, Rytting, and Heslin conclude about the effect of a brief, seemingly accidental touch in a nonintimate context?

2. Describe Harlow’s (1958) “surrogate mother” monkey studies and what was concluded from these studies.

3. Identify three characteristics of touch avoiders or “nontouchers.”

4. Would we predict greater touch at airport departures or airport greetings? Why?

5. What did the authors say about team touch and sports?

6. Search Jourard’s 1966 study on body accessibility. Hit “images” and review the diagrams of body areas and touch. What are your observations about the conclusions in this research?

7. Define and give an example of a tie sign.

8. Consult Heslin and Alper’s (1983) taxonomy of touch. Where does the handshake fall in this typology?

9. What are adaptors? When are they used?

10. Who was Clever Hans and why does he have a full page devoted to his story in the textbook?

Chapter 8 Key Concepts

effect of brief touch

Harlow’s (1958) monkey studies

nontouchers/touch avoiders

airport greetings and departures

team sports and touch

Jourard’s (1966) study on touch

tie signs

Heslin and Alpers’ (1983) taxonomy of types of touching

gender differences in touch

compliance touches


adaptors or self-manipulators

Morris’s (1971) kinds of self-touching (shielding actions, cleaning actions, specialized signals,


Chapter 9 The Effects of the Face on Human Communication (Questions 11-20)

Provide brief answers to the following questions. Avoid copying definitions and explanations from the text. Paraphrase and develop original (though brief is okay), answers and examples where possible. I am looking for your explanation of these ideas, not language found in the text or online. Do not retype the questions. Just number responses 11-20 and provide the answer. Please single space within numbered responses and double space between numbered responses (as seen below). You are free to use your text but you are expected to work alone on the assignment

11. What is facial primacy?

12. What is meant by the “dynamic nature of the face”?

13. What is a facial emblem?

14. What did Charles Darwin say about the face?

15. Define and give an example of a display rule.

16. What is meant by “micromomentary expressions”?

17. Explain the facial emotion controversy.

18. What differentiates Duchenne and non-Duchenne smiles?

19. Identify the six basic emotions.

20. What does the facial feedback hypothesis say?

Chapter 9 Key Concepts

facial primacy

dynamic nature of the face

functions of the face in coordinating interactions

facial emblems

syntactic displays and semantic displays

Charles Darwin’s (1872) Expressions of the Emotions on Man and Animals

display rules

the “brave smile”

affect blends

micromomentary facial expressions

facial emotion controversy

motor mimicry

Ekman and Friesen’s FACS

action units

Izard’s facial coding system

Duchenne vs. non-Duchenne smiles

zygomatic major

felt and unfelt smiles/masking smiles

six basic emotions

in-group advantage

facial feedback hypothesis


Responses must be typed, Times New Roman, 12-point font, standard margins (unjustified), black ink. All responses should be well written, thoroughly proofread and edited, well organized and appropriately formatted. See the “Guidelines for Written Work” on the course syllabus, see CBA 1 assignment (page 3) for additional formatting guidelines, and review any feedback provided on previous assignments. Be sure that all work is original, fully cited, and completed independently. You are expected to explain any text material in your own words.