While a K-12 student, what do you remember about how attendance was handled at your school(s)? (e.g., How were truancies dealt with?) What do you recall about parent-teacher conferences? Were you allowed/encouraged to attend as the student being discussed? Do you work in, or otherwise have access to a school?

I need help with a Communications question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Your Reaction Paper should respond to the Unit’s readings and the material you have learned in class by:

demonstrating engagement with the readings for that Unit (e.g., mentioning key concepts)
connecting something you have learned from this course during that Unit to something you have observed/experienced in your own everyday life
composing an open-ended question that could guide/lead to further investigation into some issue from that Unit
While a K-12 student, what do you remember about how attendance was handled at your school(s)? (e.g., How were truancies dealt with?) What do you recall about parent-teacher conferences? Were you allowed/encouraged to attend as the student being discussed? Do you work in, or otherwise have access to a school? (e.g., Do you have a relative/friend who is a teacher who regularly holds parent conferences?) Can you explain a parent-teacher interaction from at least two perspectives?