close reading instruction is an literacy structure that addresses all of the college and career readiness common core standards for english language arts it involves multiple readings of a text in its entirety at first and then to address specific excer 1

Close Reading Instruction is an literacy structure that addresses all of the College and Career Readiness Common Core Standards for English Language Arts. It involves multiple readings of a text in its entirety at first and then to address specific excerpts addressed in depth. Close Reading Instruction gives the reader an opportunity to build a relationship with the text as guided by the instructor in hopes that, with practice, the reader will automatically deepen their independent reading. At different grade levels and with different materials, and depending on the strategies and skills that an instructor targets, Close Reading Instruction content varies.

1. Read about cognitive demand levels that teachers address in lessons: Bloom’s Taxonomy

2. Review the Common Core College and Career Readiness Standards.

3. Watch this video that will provide more information about Close Reading Instruction.

4. Watch this lecture as I explain how I am using the Benchmark Advance materials purchased by my district to teach Close Reading. This will provide some help in modeling the assignment below.

5. Assignment: Select a piece of literature and write an outline of a Close Reading Lesson that involves 3 readings of the text. Indicate in your outline the text, the author, and the grade level. It can be literature or informational text. The first reading should address the Key Ideas and Details standards, the second reading should address the Craft and Structure standards, the third reading should involve the Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Standards.