discussion assignment 76

Please number your responses to align with the questions below. Thank you.

1. In section 12.7a (attachment) Empowering People to Meet Higher Needs, the author list “four elements that enable them (employees) to act more freely to accomplish their jobs: information, knowledge, power, and rewards.” Read and understand each element in the section. Then indicate which of the four elements you think is most important in motivating employees and explain why and provide examples to support your point of view.

2. In David McClelland’s acquired needs theory, McClelland proposes that the need for power is more closely associated with people who are in leadership positions. After reviewing all three of the needs in his theory (need for power, need for achievement, need for affiliation), explain to me if you agree with McClelland’s assertion that the need for power is most closely associated with leadership positions and why or why not. Refer to the text in your answer and provide to support your statements. If you believe that the need for affiliation or achievement are more closely related to leadership, explain why. Be sure to read and understand the needs before answering the question.

This will require quite a bit of information to convince me of your position. One or two (or four) sentences is not adequate. I envision at least a nice beefy paragraph to ensure you are convincing.

3. Differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic rewards with detailed examples. Then tell me which is more motivational to employees and why. Again, support your point of view with examples from the text. There is no right or wrong answer but you need to support your point of view.

4. Watch Dan Pink’s video on motivation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc). Dan Pink has found through his and others’ research that autonomy, mastery, and purpose are highly motivating to workers who doing creative work that takes cognitive skills. Relate these findings back to two of the motivational theories in the text. Please explain, in your own words, Pink’s theory and each of the concepts from the chapter as well as the connections.