Formulate a public policy for a public service agency outlining its Mission, Objectives, Situation Analysis, Strategic Formulation, Implementation, and Control. (you are creating a make believe public policy for a public service agency however using realistic approach) make sure you stick to only 1 type of public service agency be specific following all the below


Formulate a public policy for a public service agency outlining its Mission, Objectives, Situation Analysis, Strategic Formulation, Implementation, and Control. (you are creating a make believe public policy for a public service agency however using realistic approach) make sure you stick to only 1 type of public service agency be specific following all the below

Format of written paper:

The Final Project Paper is to be submitted in the following format and organization:

i. Cover Page to include the Course Title and Number, Your Name, Title of Final Paper, Professor’s Name, and Date

ii. Acknowledgment of own original work certification statement (copy and paste the statement below)

iii. Table of Contents

Page 1: Prepare an abstract of the Organization’s Mission including its Mission Statement. The abstract should not exceed 100 words.

Page 2: List the Organization’s Objectives. The Objective section should be 300 words.

Pages 3-4: Prepare the Organizational Situation Analysis Discussing the Public Policy that is lacking and why. 600 words.

Pages 5-7: Research three different articles on this particular public policy.. This section should be 900 words.

Page 8: Choose a proposed plan that best fits the organization and explain why. This section should be 300 words.

Part 2 power point

A brief summary of above with visual components that are relevant that I can create a 7-9 minute audio from

There is no minimum or maximum on slides just to not exceed the 7-9 minutes audio




Public Policy


Final project

professor will be using TURNITIN Please check your grammar & make sure

everything makes sense use proper grammar due 11/30





is 2 parts written & power point


Instructions and requirements:


Individual Project Papers should be



processed in Microsoft Word Document, double spaced using 12 point (none

bold) Times New Roman font, pages numbered, and structured in accordance with the APA format.




Formulate a public policy for a public service agency outlining its

Mission, Objectives, Situation Analysis, Strategic

Formulation, Implementation, and Control.

(you are creating a make believe public


policy for a public

service agency

however using realistic approach) make sure you stick to only 1 type of public service agency be specific following all the



Format of written paper:


The Final Project Paper is to be submitted in the following format and organization:


i. Cover Page to include the Course Title and Num

ber, Your Name, Title of Final Paper, Professor’s Name, and Date


ii. Acknowledgment of own original work certification statement (copy and paste the statement below)


iii. Table of Contents


Page 1: Prepare an abstract of the Organization’s Mission including its Mission Statement. The abstract should not

exceed 100 words.


Page 2: List the Organization’s Objectives. The Objective section should be 300 words.


Pages 3

4: Prepare the Organizatio

nal Situation Analysis Discussing the Public Policy that is lacking and why. 600 words.


Pages 5

7: Research three different articles on this particular public policy.. This section should be 900 words.


Page 8: Choose a proposed plan that best fits the or

ganization and explain why. This section should be 300 words.


Part 2


power point




brief summary of above with



components that are



that I can create a 7

9 minute audio from




is no minimum or maximum on slides just to not exceed the 7

9 minutes audio



PAD4034: Public Policy Final project professor will be using TURNITIN Please check your grammar & make sure

everything makes sense use proper grammar due 11/30

This assignment is 2 parts written & power point

Instructions and requirements:

Individual Project Papers should be word-processed in Microsoft Word Document, double spaced using 12 point (none

bold) Times New Roman font, pages numbered, and structured in accordance with the APA format.


Formulate a public policy for a public service agency outlining its Mission, Objectives, Situation Analysis, Strategic

Formulation, Implementation, and Control. (you are creating a make believe public policy for a public service agency

however using realistic approach) make sure you stick to only 1 type of public service agency be specific following all the


Format of written paper:

The Final Project Paper is to be submitted in the following format and organization:

i. Cover Page to include the Course Title and Number, Your Name, Title of Final Paper, Professor’s Name, and Date

ii. Acknowledgment of own original work certification statement (copy and paste the statement below)

iii. Table of Contents

Page 1: Prepare an abstract of the Organization’s Mission including its Mission Statement. The abstract should not

exceed 100 words.

Page 2: List the Organization’s Objectives. The Objective section should be 300 words.

Pages 3-4: Prepare the Organizational Situation Analysis Discussing the Public Policy that is lacking and why. 600 words.

Pages 5-7: Research three different articles on this particular public policy.. This section should be 900 words.

Page 8: Choose a proposed plan that best fits the organization and explain why. This section should be 300 words.

Part 2 power point

A brief summary of above with visual components that are relevant that I can create a 7-9 minute audio from

There is no minimum or maximum on slides just to not exceed the 7-9 minutes audio