FU ‘Sharing research


This assignment is intended to assess your ability to:

  1. Discuss the importance of sharing research.
  2. Explain how much and in what ways details about one’s research are reported.


In this assignment, you are required to write a 2- to 3-page paper on a scholarly article of your choice. You will answer the questions on this assignment to include in your paper.

To successfully complete the assignment, you are expected to read and study all assigned readings for this module. It is highly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the grading criteria provided. Ensure that you cover all relevant information expected of you in the assignment. Use at least two references, in addition to your textbook, to support your writing.

Action Items

  1. Read all the material required for this module before attempting this assignment.
  2. Read a scholarly article of your choice.
  3. In a 2- to 3-page paper, provide evidence that might indicate the author gave some thought to the following questions:
    1. Why did I conduct this research?
    2. How did I conduct this research?
    3. For whom did I conduct this research?
    4. What conclusions can I reasonably draw from this research?
    5. Knowing what I know now, what would I do differently?
    6. How could this research be improved?
  4. Your paper is to include your name, the assignment name and number, the course and section number, and the date on your title page. Format your paper and cite ALL sources according to current APA style.
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