FU Synthesis of Course Learning and Personal Experiences in Workplace Coaching Essay


To assess your ability to integrate your most important course learning with your own experience.


This assignment will focus on synthesizing your learning from the entire course based on a review of your weekly learning journals.

Action Items

  1. Review your learning journals for Module 2 through Module 5.
  2. Prepare a written 6-8 page paper that:
    • Highlights your five most significant learning experiences during the course. (Include your experience of both peer coaching and being coached.)
    • Analyzes these significant learning experiences, indicating the major patterns or themes that seem to have emerged
    • Describes in what ways the patterns or themes are important to you and why you think so
    • Tells which of the course assignments made you feel the most positive about yourself and why
    • Describes any new behavior that you tried out at work or home and how it worked
    • Discusses what you learned about the field of workplace Coaching that seems particularly valuable to you
    • Describes the “take-aways” (e.g. tools, insights, methods or approaches) that have the most relevance to you in your current work or intended career
    • Incorporates the Six aspects of development as shown in Figure 4.1 in Chapter 4 “What is reflective practice and supervision?” of Coaching and Mentoring at Work.
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