HIMS 661 UMGC EHR Implementation Phase II Step 3 Project

Step 3: Project Communication means and schedule (due week 6 by Tuesday mid-night).

Project communication is exchange of the project-specific information to keep the project team and the stakeholders on the same page and keep them abreast of the latest developments in the implementation. It is one of the essential skills of the PM and tool of any project management that may take any form (daily/weekly face-to-face meetings, email communications, Project website updates, project management software).

Paper: Explain your rationale for the items above. Support your discussion with references from the suggested articles provided below as well as other peer-reviewed research. Include a summary of the key components of the communication plan in table format.

Your manager asked you to specify the means of communication you would use to communicate with your team and the project stakeholders along with justification for each. He also directed you to the following resources for more information.

Manage and Monitor Communications https://www.greycampus.com/opencampus/project-management-professional/communication-methods

Communication Methods In Project Management https://www.greycampus.com/blog/project-management/communication-methods-in-project-management

5 Effective Communication Methods You Need to Know https://pmbasics101.com/communication-methods-project-management/