Impact of Domestic Violence on College Students Mental Health Paper

You will need to come up with a title for your paper.  Come up with something that is specific enough to be distinct without being too wordy:

“Breaking down the wall: How mood changes over the course of a marathon”

“College education and recidivism: Educating criminals is meritorious”

“Exploring the relationship between homelessness and risk factors for heroin?related death”

The title page will be the first page of your report.  Your title should be centered both vertically and horizontally on a line in the middle of the page.  Beneath that will go your name.  Underneath your name is your institutional affiliation.  There should be no abbreviations and you should use Proper Title Capitalization For Each of the Words (as demonstrated here).

Using the header format option in Word (accessed by double-clicking the very top of the page), add a Running head abbreviation of the title of your paper in the top left, and a running page number count at the top right.  Don’t forget to format these in Times New Roman 12-point as well.  When finished, your first page should look like this:

Title page


The second page of your final paper should actually be completed LAST.  The abstract is essentially a summary of all of the sections of your report.  Aim for about 1-2 sentences for each of the major sections in describing the research study.  It should be a long paragraph that takes up about half the page, with around ~150 words total.  Include a centered header above it called “Abstract”.  See the example below and the others posted under the APA format module.

Abstract example

The rest of the paper included with revisions:

After that, begin a new page (Insert Page Break) and include the rest of your paper, starting with the Introduction.  Rather than titling this section “Introduction,” you actually use the title of your paper instead as the centered header (not in bold though).  Be sure to include the three major sections associated with the Introduction section as covered in the earlier module: the opening paragraph, the literature review, and the current study’s rationale and hypotheses.  There should be evidence of editing and revisions incorporated throughout your final paper based on the recommendations I gave for the previous submissions.

After the Introduction, continue on to the next line below (don’t start a new page) and use a centered “Methods” header in bold and include your Methods section.  Continue the same way for the Results section, and then your Discussion section.  After the end of your Discussion section, start a new page for your References page.  Make sure that you include everything necessary, including the suggested revisions if given by me, and title it “References”.  Be sure to also identify each article if it is quantitative or qualitative following the doi number.

Finally, on the last page after the References, you will include an Appendix.  It will just be your questionnaire attached to the back with “Appendix” centered and in bold on the first page as a header.  If you used a consent form, you would included it as “Appendix B”, along with additional appendices for any other materials you may have had participants use.  Altogether, the final paper that you submit should be somewhere between 12-16 pages.

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