in 500 words respond to discussion prompt on attached articles
Ongoing stressors, barriers to services, discrimination, stigma, and poor training among professionals are among the many factors that contribute to disparities in three populations discussed in the attached articles. These populations include Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) populations, migrant women domestic workers experiencing violence, and African American women leading up to pregnancy and childbirth. Please discuss some ways that some components of either the “Life Course Approach†or the “Health Equity Promotion Model†could be used to understand and reduce disparities in each of the other two of the populations described in one of the other articles. For example, how could the Life Course Approach be used to understand and reduce violence in migrant women domestic workers, and to reduce health disparities in LGBT populations? Or how could the Health Equity Promotion Model be used to reduce infant mortality among African Americans and among migrant women domestic workers?
Please read all attached articles prior to the completion of the discussion