MC Qualitative Research Differs from Quantitative Research Question

Select one question and write your response:


1.     Discuss the difference between conceptualization and operationalization, both of which are critical elements under qualitative and quantitative research.  After or during your discussion, apply your ideas to some aspect that pertains to the specific course content of U.S. Labor, race/ethnicity, gender, or social class. 

2.     Explain how qualitative research differs from quantitative research.  After or during your discussion, apply your ideas to some aspect that pertains to the specific course content of U.S. labor, race/ethnicity, gender, or social class. 

3.     What is participatory action research (PAR), which is sometimes referred to as community-based research (CBR)? How might this type of research benefit projects involving Latinas/os in fields such as education, public health, social work, etc. (discuss one field in your response).  After or during your discussion, apply your ideas to some aspect that pertains to the specific course content of U.S. labor, race/ethnicity, gender, or social class. 

4.     Why is survey research so widely used as a methodology? Are surveys adequate methods to use in research involving Latinas/os?  After or during your discussion, apply your ideas to some aspect that pertains to the specific course content of U.S. labor, race/ethnicity, gender, or social class. 

5.     Share your thoughts on one of the research-based articles, reports, or books from the weekly readings under the Latina/o/x topics.  These references are under the supplemental readings folder under each week.  In your essay, note the title and author.  Discuss why this topic interests you, the research question(s), design and methodology, and some findings.  After or during your discussion, apply your ideas to some aspect that pertains to the specific course content of U.S. labor, race/ethnicity, gender, or social class. 

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