NCU Evaluation of Substance Abuse Treatment and Mental Health Essay

National Attention to the Problem and Population

Identify two programs related to your selected program or service that addresses your selected problem and use the format below to evaluate what efforts are being undertaken by other organizations across the country. Information regarding programs and resources for this assignment please visit Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Evidence-based practices resource center included in this week’s resources.

1. Introduction

  • Give an overview of the social problem or issue that each program addresses.
  • Identify the research base and evidence-based practice(s) utilized by the programs.
    • The introduction section should not be more than a page. After you have written this section, it might help to reread the articles with a more critical eye focused on inconsistencies or limitations.

2. Evaluate literature reviewed

  • Examine the literature and research utilized by the programs.
    • Is there a clear theoretical framework?

3. Evaluate problem or issue discussed

  • Consider whether the social problem is clearly described for each program.
    • Do the programs document and support the existence of the problem with scholarly sources and data? Are the sources credible and relevant (as defined by the readings you’ve done for this course)?

4. Impressions and conclusions

  • What were the strengths and limitations of the social problem presented and how the program is addressing the problem?
  • What is your impression of each program?
    • Identify how each program is relevant to the program in your practicum placement. 
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