new theses and outline
Link to new story:…
Discussion 1: “Develop a thesis and outline for Paper 2. You will have to go through all the steps you used in developing Paper 1, but you will also be including the second story.”
- identifying a second story
- stating the literary element to be compared/contrasted
- summarizing the stories
- comparing and contrasting the stories to show how they come together to develop the thesis
- presenting evidence that the element is demonstrated in both stories
- formulating a thesis that demonstrates your point of view on the element and the short stories
- producing an outline
“Remember: it may help you to compose the introduction so that you fully understand the relationship between the two stories and the element, thereby helping to set up the discussion.
In your posting, note the element in common between the two stories. Post the thesis (and introduction if you have it). The thesis should identify which items in the two stories are to be compared and/or contrasted. Then, post the outline.”
Note: Paper 1 was the final paper for a respectable woman.