Psychology Enhancing Intercultural Encounter Paper

1. Define what *you* think “culture” is in one paragraph. There is no correct answer, so please do not use any definitions that you find online, just discuss what you think about this word.

2. In the next paragraph, describe some aspects about your culture, including how the circumstances of where you grew up, your family, school, identities, and wider society have shaped your culture. Specific examples and details will make this section stronger. ?i’m chinese female, so make it chinese culture, talk about tea, or Kongzi or some stuff, btw I play Pingpong ball so write some details about that?

3. Next, write about an encounter with cultural difference (this could range from interacting with a neighbor from a different ethnic group or a different religion than yours to traveling or living in a different country). Specific examples and details will make this section stronger.

A. Describe that encounter and what made it intercultural, and how you initially felt about the encounter and why. Was there anything about the encounter that made you uncomfortable and why (or why not)?

B. Describe any challenges you had communicating or understanding the other person, or if no challenges, why not.

C. Describe an assumption you held about them or vice versa.

D. Describe how you felt after the encounter and why. 

E. Finally, based on your experience, describe one factor or characteristic that promotes a successful or rewarding intercultural encounter (maybe it was something you did, or something you realize you should have or should have not done).  What did you learn from this intercultural encounter that might help you navigate a similar encounter in the future?

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