reaction paper 96


Type of service:
Article Critique

Double spacing

Paper format:
Other (add to details)

Number of pages:
2 pages

Number of sources:
0 source

Paper detalis:

Here is the information about the reaction paper.

You are expected to submit 1-page (in single space, or 2-page in double space) long reaction paper after each presentation day that you are not presenting.
Articles will be attached bellow – chose 1 of the articles to critique (highlighted in red).
An example of a reaction paper is attached below.

In reaction paper, you are expected to…
1) Summarize the design and findings of one study that your presenter of choice discussed (5pts).
2) Present your own interpretation and discussion of the findings (5pts).
Do you agree or disagree with the authors/presenter? and Why?
What is the limitation of the current experiment? How to fix it?
What is the implication of this finding to the current understanding of human memory?
What is the implication of this finding to the everyday activities?

Thank You!