research paper on why police community relations are important analysis essay


– 4 pages, 5th page is works cited page.

– minimum 3 citations (1 citation must be from a book – NOT from the internet)

– MLA format

– Times New Roman, size 12 font

– double space everything

– use one inch margin on all sides

– indent each new paragraph by one half inch

essay Outline

(to help with coming up with an idea of what to write)

I. Introduction (describe role of police, what police-community relations is, etc.)

II. Modern Police History and Police–Community Relations

A. The Political Era (1840–1930s)

B. The Reform/Professional Era (1930s–1980s)

C. The Community Era (1980s–Present)

III. Strategies to Address Police–Community Relations

A. Public Relations

B. Community Service

C. Community Policing

IV. Conclusion: Public Opinion and the Police

A. Dimensions of Public Support

B. Individual-Level Factors

C. Community-Level Factors

D. Implications for Police Service