response 11 2

I have 3 of my classmates posts. I need you to respond to each one separately. Also, one source at least for each one of them. Don’t write about how good their posts or how bad. All you need to do is to choose one point of the post and explore it a little bit with one source support for each response. The paper should be APA style.

the question was: What role does security play during a disaster or humanitarian response?

How is the response/recovery impacted by security concerns?

this is the 1st post from my classmate SALE neet to responsed :

Humanitarian Response: Recovery Affected by Security Concerns

The Peace Corps exercise sound and appropriate policies to improve the working environment of the volunteers (Peace Corps, 2011). Different security measures are established to enhance the safety and security of volunteers. However, social policies and misuse of policies have undermined the safety of volunteers engaged in emergency relief operations. Volunteer safety is crucial in emergency relief operations, and only a well-prepared strategy can keep them safe.

An integrated security and safety model provides a comprehensive policy to support trainees. The peace corps carefully coordinate with the headquarters, security directors, project managers, and trainers to provide appropriate support and assistance to the victims. Sexually-assaulted sufferers are treated with compassion, proper medical care, emotional support and legal rights. Sarah Fisher (2009) provides insight of post-Tsunami crisis on women volunteers, and the role of Sri Lankan women’s organizations in promoting and protecting the rights of sexually-abused people.

If a volunteer adheres to the organizational guidelines, unavoidable risks can be avoided. However, if they take to alcohol and drug abuse, it will be difficult to safeguard them. The security crises due to political unrest and natural disaster endangers the organizational response to safeguard volunteer welfare. The emergency action plans address a variety of problems that may arise. The volunteers are exposed to varying degrees of crime due to the security concerns during an emergency.

Volunteer safety is of paramount importance, particularly during disaster relief operations. Therefore, their management is crucial. According to McEntire (2015), their shift management should be strictly enforced and they should have proper supervision and oversight. This can be achieved by relying on the expertise of non-profit organizations who can match the skills of volunteers to the disaster needs. Importantly, the volunteers will be adequately trained to ensure that they don’t rush to help others and risk their own lives.

Volunteer safety is crucial in emergency relief operations, and only a well-prepared strategy can keep them safe. Risk management strategies will help them with additional security measures. The volunteers should follow the guidelines and work closely with the organization to avoid any possible mishaps.


Fisher, S. (2009). Sri Lankan women’s organizations responding to post-tsunami violence. In Enarson,

Elaine Pitt, and Dhar Chakrabarti, P. G. (Eds.), Women, Gender and Disaster: Global Issues and Initiatives (pp. 232-246), Los Angeles, LA: Sage.

Peace Corps (2011, August). Safety and security highlights to help you prepare for Peace Corps service. Retrieved from…

McEntire, D. A. (2015). Disaster response and recovery: Strategies and tactics for resilience. Wiley.

this is the 2nd post from my classmate TARI neet to responsed :

Disasters and humanitarian crises happen when they are least expected and therefore cause emergencies that aid workers and agencies have to respond to. In many cases, apart from the main issue at hand, another main problem is usually the issue of security. Security presents essential challenges that affect the way people get help, and whether rescue and other humanitarian operations are possible. Therefore, agencies must ensure that there are strategies in place when responding to disasters that will protect the security of the victims, the responders, and the materials brought as part of the response.

Security affects the willingness of aid workers to participate in humanitarian recovery response. The safety of the volunteers and the employees of the groups that offer help is essential. People want to feel safe even though they sacrifice to deliver their services. Also, security affects the accessibility of the donations and other materials to the affected people (Binder, 2015). During humanitarian crises and disasters, people need help to access things such as clean water, food, and shelter. In war zones, the security of the materials that the people need is usually challenged by the fact that the surroundings are volatile. Attacks can happen anywhere on the road or in the plans during the delivery of help to the people who need them. Attacks on the packages that contain assistance lead to people from getting access to the help they need. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the security situation of the route that is to be used and the destination of the donations and other materials required to sustain life in places that have experienced disasters.

Response and recovery are affected in several ways by security concerns that affect the processes. First, security affects the speed of retrieval to disasters. In places whose safety is not guaranteed, organizations have to weigh in to know how to protect the volunteers and employees (Cruz-Milán et al., 2016). For instance, if the shortest route is not safe, the response team may have to use longer routes to reach their destination. Security concerns may also affect the amount of help received. The amount of aid received by the affected population includes both in terms of personnel and goods. Attacks may lead to products such as food and drugs being destroyed on the way or stolen by bandits and, therefore, not reaching the destination. In some cases, the security personnel may have to fight off attackers, and therefore in the process, lives and goods may be lost (Emmanuelar, 2015). The moral of the people is also usually affected when they are not sure whether or not they will be safe.

In conclusion, security is a critical aspect of disaster response. People in the response team need to feel relatively protected to be motivated to deliver help. Also, the security of goods, such as food and medicine, may be affected. Security may also affect the speed of the delivery of services as well as efficiency. Therefore, organizations must seek safety and create security strategies before attempting to deliver humanitarian help.


Binder, M. (2015). Paths to intervention: What explains the UN’s selective response to humanitarian crises?. Journal of Peace Research, 52(6), 712-726.

Cruz-Milán, O., Simpson, J. J., Simpson, P. M., & Choi, W. (2016). Reassurance or reason for concern: Security forces as a crisis management strategy. Tourism Management, 56, 114-125.

Emmanuelar, I. (2015). Insurgency and humanitarian crises in Northern Nigeria: The case of Boko

Haram. Academic Journals: African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, 9(7), 284-296.

this is the 3rd post from my classmate WALEAD neet to responsed :

Security is an essential aspect when it comes to disaster and humanitarian response. It implies that whenever the response team is responding to an incident, the available individuals have to consider security for their safety. However, it is the role of every individual to ensure than he or she is secure as well as the people around (Sylves, 2019). In this case, security can be described in two perspectives, which include personal safety and external security. For personal protection, people who are involved in disaster response need to protect themselves from a danger that may arise during the period. In such a case, one’s security considers the use of protective equipment and staying away from the vulnerable region.

For example, during a fire outbreak, personal security can be enhanced by using breathing apparatus, fire helmets, gloves, boots, and a turnout jacket with a pant, such equipment enables an individual to be safe from the effects of the fire. Besides, personal security can be enhanced by avoiding vulnerable places, such as below the burning structure. On the other hand, external security involves protection by the security team. For example, when a terror attack takes place in a given area, the security team needs to ensure that the people within the region are safe and protected (Brassett & Vaughan-Williams, 2015). Such security ensures that no more harm is made to the people within the affected area. The protection can be provided by availing shelter among the nearby people and providing them with necessities such as food. In general, security plays a critical role in disaster and humanitarian response by ensuring that the people within the affected region are safe and free from any harm.

Security issues are critical in disaster response or recovery. The security concerns determine how effective or efficient the response or recovery process is. When security issues are adequately considered and addressed, it would be easier to conduct a response or recovery process (Olson, 2018). However, if the security issues are not adequately addressed and handled, it would take longer to carry out a response or recovery process that could be conducted within a short period. Besides, correctly addressed security issues enhance safety among the people involved. The more the security measures are addressed, the higher the safety of the people and the environment affected.

For example, when a terror attack takes place in a region, the security department has to consider how safe the site is for the response or recovery process to start. If security measures are not considered in such a place, the response team members may lose their life as they respond to the incident (Olson, 2018). Besides, if the security concerns are not given priority, the response team members would be afraid of moving close to the incident region, thus taking longer to manage the issue. It implies that for a response or recovery process to be handled effectively, security concerns have to be considered.


Brassett, J., & Vaughan-Williams, N. (2015). Security and the performative politics of resilience: Critical infrastructure protection and humanitarian emergency preparedness. Security Dialogue, 46(1), 32-50.

Olson, S. (2018). A Military Response to a Warming World: Federalism, Militias, and Catastrophic Disasters. Duke Envtl. L. & Pol’y F., 29, 301.

Sylves, R. T. (2019). Disaster policy and politics: Emergency management and homeland security. CQ Press.