Roberts Degennaro Model of Case Management Presentation

The final steps in the Roberts-Degennaro model of case management are evaluation, closing, and follow up (Frankel et al., 2019, p.13). For your final project assume you have closed your case and all interventions have been provided. You now must present your colleagues your results and incorporate these findings into your termination and follow up.

Staffing is an important function in a case management setting. It allows us to synthesize our approach so we may evaluate and provide feedback to our colleagues and agency. Create a PowerPoint/Google slideshow that presents your case. The first half of your presentation is basically outlining the work you’ve done thus far in the course. You will complete the case management process through the latter part of the presentation. Avoid narrative form. Outline the information in concise bullet points.

Slide 1- Student name and course

Slide 2- Client name with short explanation of source (from which series, book, movie, etc.) and reason for choosing

Slide 3- Biopsychosocial (you do not have to summarize the entire form; highlight the most relevant factors)

Slide 4- Risk factors

Slide 5- Protective factors

Slide 6- Intervention setting (which setting/profession did you approach this from as a case worker- education, criminal justice, mental health, hospital, etc.)

Slide 7- Local resource/community organization utilized (highlight services they provide)

Slide 8- Goal and consequence 1 (highlight goal from contracted case plan with highest success rate)

Slide 9- Evaluation- Did the client meet the goal by your measured standards? Why or why not? Did you make any adjustments after your last monitoring/progress notes? You may address variables involving the client, case manager (you), agency, and/or external resources that contributed to the outcome.

Slide 10- Goal and consequence 2 (highlight goal from contracted case plan with lowest success rate)

Slide 11- Evaluation- Did the client meet the goal by your measured standards? Why or why not? Did you make any adjustments after your last monitoring/progress notes? You may address variables involving the client, case manager (you), agency, and/or external resources that contributed to the outcome.

Slide 12- Termination plan (3-5 bullets, refer to text for example)

Slide 13- Follow up (2-3 bullets, refer to text for suggestions)

Slide 14- Final thoughts (highlight any takeaways or suggestions for future client success)

Slide 15- References in APA format (text, community resource information, any outside research, etc.)

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