Should Women Vote? The Politics of Suffrage at:

I need support with this History question so I can learn better.


Objective: To understand the arguments for and against giving women the vote and the view held by Victorian society on the “nature” or natural qualities of women.

Should Women Vote? The Politics of Suffrage at:…

As you can see in the title – suffrage means gaining the right to vote. Women had to fight into the 20th century to earn the right to vote. American women gained their suffrage with the 19th Amendment passed in 1919 and ratified in 1920.

Click on the above “link”. Read the five primary source documents located midway down the page beginning with Harriet Taylor Mill and ending with Almroth E. Wright.

Complete the attached worksheet and submit.


  • This should be in your own words unless directly quoted then please use quotations to distinguish what is from the reading.
  • Also indicate whether they were for or against suffrage in the second column.
  • You should only need to use the source provided in the link above if you use any outside sources please cite.