Statistics R Language & Test Statistic HW

Explore climate sentiment scores (ClimateScore) by political affiliation (PoliticalAff). Subset the climate sentiment scores into two groups: one for students identifying as democrats and one for everyone else (not democrat). Although n > 30 for both groups, use the t distribution assuming equal population variances for both parts of the problem.

a) Construct a 99% confidence interval for the difference in mean climate sentiment scores for students identifying as democrats versus everyone else (democrat minus other). Report and interpret the interval in the context of the problem.

The mean climate score for 44 students identified as democrats is 35.11.

The mean climate score for 92 students other than democrats is 31.10.

The difference between students identifying as democrats and everyone else (not democrats) is 4.01

The variance

b) Test the claim that the mean climate sentiment score for students that identify as democrats is greater than the mean score for students that identify as something other than democrat (democrat minus other). Use a 1% significance level. Be sure to state your statistical hypotheses using symbols, report the test statistic, degrees of freedom, p-value, your decision, and provide a conclusion in the context of the problem.