Sullivan University Sociology Family Wealth and Income Paper
PART 1-Complete Weekly Reflection 3: Do wide differences in family wealth and income separate students on your campus? What about the people in your hometown? How do sociologists explain these differences?
Weekly Reflection Questions: You are required to submit chapter reflections that must incorporate specific components of the week’s topic into your reflection summary. All reflections must be one or more paragraphs (i.e. 5 or more sentences) and submitted via Blackboard using the link in the week’s Class Folders.
PART 2-Complete Current Event News Article 1: Discuss a current event news article highlighting global stratification. Think about the products we use and where they come from.
Current Event News Articles: The current event news article allows you to look up a current event in our society (or across the globe) today and analyzing it against the backdrop of the week’s discussion.
- Each submission should be two paragraphs in length and connect to readings, themes, discussions or personal experiences you have encountered either in or outside of the classroom.
- News articles must be published in either one of the following outlets: the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Time Magazine, National Geographic, The Detroit News/Free Press,,,, or NOT OTHER MEDIA OUTLETS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
- In addition to your analysis, you must attach an electronic FULL VERSION copy of the article to your submission, not just the link. You may copy and paste the article into your document OR you pay attach a PDF.
- Please do not include a title page or a detailed bibliography.
- Simple citations will suffice. Simple citations are included in your paper as (author, page number/year).
- The Current Event News Article is to be turned in using the link in the Week’s Class Folders in Blackboard
Points Possible
- Concise and well written summary 0 – 2
- Key points and reported facts 0 – 2
- Relation to Week’s Topic 0 – 2
- Your personal observation/opinion/related event 0 – 2
- Hard Copy of publication included
- PART 3-Complete Discussion Board 2: What is your family’s social class, and what measures of social class do you base your answer on? How does your family’s social class affect your life chances?Discussion Board Expectations: Every week, you are required to participate in the Discussion Board(s). In addition to being used as an attendance tool, discussion board posts and replies are a critical space where you thoughtfully engage in class discussion through online dialogue. Discussion board posts and replies are key to further expanding your understanding of broad topics through various political, economic and social lenses. Posts and replies must be submitted by the stated deadline and written professionally (All Posts are Due Wednesday by 11:59pm. All Replies are Due Thursday by 11:59pm EACH WEEK). Please avoid using text or Instant Message style. Posts and replies must be respectful in content and tone.
- ALL POSTS must be at least one paragraph (minimum of 5 sentences/paragraph) in length, using the literature assigned that week as well as your own personal viewpoints placed at the forefront of your discussion.
- ALL REPLIES must be one paragraph (minimum of 5 sentences/paragraph) in length and engage the post by incorporating the supplemental readings/film from that week as well as personal experiences and current events taking place today. You must reply to two classmates’ posts each week in order to receive full credit.
- Hello Everyone, Growing up and now, I would place myself in the middle class. Also, most of my family around me are in the same class. I measure this by the things that I have and am able to afford. The first measure is that our income is based on the middle class. The areas we live in are mostly middle to the upper class, with very low underclass living in the area. Most of my family members do have a degree in something but not all of them. I don’t believe that degree can make it or break this. Just like me I work in the trades right now therefore I’m doing fine without a degree. Then lastly another good way to tell is our assets. We always had nice vechices growing up with offroad tools, swimming pool and much more. This is some of the ways you can measure which class you are in or others. In my opinion I think from birth till you are young adult your parents social class can affect you by what you have to worry about. But after that I think it is all up to you. Everyone might start at a different point. But life is a marathon. I see people that came from nothing, and other come from everything ended up in the same job.
- Based on income, I define my family as middle class. My wife and I individually both earn more than 70k a year, and both of us have obtained or will obtain 4 year degress by the end of this year. Truth be told with our actual combined income, we might be considered the bottom tier of upper middle class, We live in a nice $350,000 house in a quiet and private community, and financially we are relatively comfortable. Growing up, my parents were small business owners that brought in enough income to be on the high end of upper middle class, however in terms of work done as well as education levels, they would definitely be considered working class as their education levels were non existant, as was the case for most first generation immigrants at the time.
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