“The American Criminal Justice System”Do you think the American criminal justice system reflects a consensus or conflict model of law?Explain and defend your response.Discussion Expectations:For EXEMPLARY credit in the discussion, you should do the following: Utilize a paragraph structure. Each question should have its own paragraph with complete sentences. Post a detailed response to the discussion question early in the week. I recommend you post the first time by Wednesday. Your initial post should be 100-150 words.

“The American Criminal Justice System”Do you think the American criminal justice system reflects a consensus or conflict model of law?Explain and defend your response.Discussion Expectations:For EXEMPLARY credit in the discussion, you should do the following: Utilize a paragraph structure. Each question should have its own paragraph with complete sentences. Post a detailed response to the discussion question early in the week. I recommend you post the first time by Wednesday. Your initial post should be 100-150 words.