the majority of social work clients and workers are women women are also over represented among the poor nonetheless social welfare policy does not always meet the needs of women effectively based on the reading discuss the gender lens and its impor

The following Mini Paper is intended to (1) develop an understanding of the basic concepts, principles, and themes of social welfare policies and services, (2) to promote informed classroom learning and participation, and (3) to develop skills in identifying and distilling key ideas and expressing them concisely. The core of the question must be answered demonstrating analysis of the subject matter.

Citation (author, date) must be included when discussing ideas that represent or directly quote a particular article. Add page numbers for direct quotes. Include a reference list at the end of the paper articles cited. APA style preferred.

Each mini-paper should be from 4-5 double-spaced typed pages.


Sexism, Heterosexism and Social Policy

The majority of social work clients and workers are women. Women are also over-represented among the poor. Nonetheless, social welfare policy does not always meet the needs of women effectively.

Based on the reading, discuss the gender lens and its importance in social policy.


Abramovitz, Mimi (2000). The Gendered Welfare State. Ch. 3 in Under Attack, Fighting Back: Women and Welfare in the United States. Monthly Review Press, pp. 86-112. (ER)

Ellen Reese, Stephanie D’Auria, and Sandra Loughrin. (2016). “Gender” in Oxford Handbook of U.S. Social Policy Eds., Daniel Béland, Kimberly J. Morgan, and Christopher Howard, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Please argue why social welfare policy does not meet the needs of women effectively and back up with information from reading.