this assignment is based on tennesse senate bill 0447 1


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This assignment is based on Tennesse Senate Bill 0447. Information can be found within the attached powerpoint, references are listed in there as well. Please let me know if you have any questions.
1. The purpose of completing the Policy Advocacy Project is to develop the kind of advocacy and leadership skills necessary to move beyond “policy analysis” and into “policy practice”. Advocacy skills can be demonstrated in numerous ways which is why you will see several options available to choose from. The format of your Policy Advocacy Project should engage you in some form of public discourse. As you think about your Policy Advocacy Project, imagine you work for or represent an agency/nonprofit that is working for or against the legislation you analyzed during your Policy Analysis Project. Consider this situation as you create your piece of policy advocacy.
2. Submit a one (1) page introduction that describes the audience for your letter, policy brief, testimony, or other product that explains the rationale for the tactics you will use to persuade the audience.
3. Write a Letter to the Editor. Prepare a letter to the editor on a current social policy issue for submission to a popular print publication such as the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time, your local paper, or another publication of your choosing. Your letter should address an issue that is a source of public concern and should reflect social work values. The letter can be an expression of your vigorously defended opinions and thus can be written in the first person. Examples and illustrations are useful but keep it brief according to the guidelines of the publication to which you are submitting.

Information from the instructor::: you advocate for some sort of policy change that will meet their needs. Maybe some of the shortcomings of your bill you looked at, or some other related issue if one came up.