Using the criteria in the prospectus template, complete a self-evaluation of the work you completed on the required section(s) for this module.
Using the criteria in the prospectus template, complete a self-evaluation of the work you completed on the required section(s) for this module. Provide a brief rationale for your score on the section(s). What additional work do you need to complete in order for each of the criteria for this section to merit a score of 2, Item Meets Expectations?
· State the general problem addressed in your study. Example: Teachers don’t know how to integrate information communication technologies into their blended classes.
· Find 3 studies on your problem dated in the last five years. Present these studies in the following manner:
· Purpose
· Method
· Design
· Participants
· Data collected
· Results
· Recommendations for future research
· Limitations
· We will use this format to develop the background to the problem and gap in upcoming weeks. We can also use this in Chapter 2!
Are you on track with revising your prospectus to submit in Module 4? What problems did you encounter? What was the most significant thing you accomplished? What surprised you about the work you completed? What work on the prospectus do you plan to complete during the next module of the course?