SOC 320 Grand Canyon University Marriage and Family Evolutionary and Historical Trends of Sexual Attitudes Essay

Students should be able to explain trends or influences on sexual behavior and their impact/effects on sexuality in historical context. This assignment will help you learn these skills: In an essay (1,000 to 1,500 words), do the following:  Identify five different trends in or influences on sexual behavior, and for each trend or influence, describe […]

Prioritizing Health and Health Care Inequalities Discussion

In Chapter 14 and Module 7, we learn about issues in health care. In the chapter on health care, one of the theories introduced was the fundamental cause theory which examines the connection between socioeconomic status and health outcomes. After reviewing the relevant material, please answer the following two questions, making sure that you clearly […]

MDC Binary Sex Gender System Discussion

I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Respond to Classmate discussion post: The heteropatriarchal binary sex/gender system that governs social interactions based on the distinctions perceived and attributed to men and women is what creates gender inequality. All women are affected, constituting a social majority […]

LU Portrayal of women in the film Girls Gone Wild by Joe Francis Research Paper

I’m working on a sociology multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. You will conduct independent research on the film Girls Gone Wild by Joe Francis using ethnographic and/or interview methods or discourse analysis of media content to empirically investigate the social organization of sexuality in a specific context or […]

JPS Inclusive Communities LGBTQ Individuals Essay

.material needed: Unit 2 Lecture Videos Introduction to Unit 1: Unit 2 Continued: Unit 2 Continued: Guide to the Readings:… Attached reading 1 and reading 2 below  Start by first reading the lecture notes and readings, then the movies and clips, following the lecture notes as your guide of what items to explore in […]

Reading Response

Reading : 1. Assimilation Theory: Straight-line and Segmented Alba,  Richard and Victor Nee. 2005. “Chapter. 2: Assimilation Theory, Old and New.” In Remaking the American Mainstream: Assimilation and Contemporary Immigration • Portes, Alejandro and Min Zhou. 1993. “The New Second Generation: Segmented Assimilation and its Variants,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social […]

SMC The Relationship Between Gender and Right Wing Politics Essay

Discuss at least three key insights you have derived from your engagement with the course materials and with the five files attached. Your essay must include citations to the Isom and Ebin readings as well as the three other readings attached below Love, Spierings, and Stern. Answer the questions based on each article provided (Please […]

John P Stevens Highschool Sociology Questions ===================== You will complete two in-depth interviews with older adults in two different generations and write a 4-5 page paper comparing the life course decisions and experiences of these two generations with each other as well as with your expectations for your own generation. So, you’re basically looking at three generations: you, someone between the ages of 40-65 (your parent’s generation) and 65+  (your grandparent’s generation) Besides describing the lives of your interview subjects, you will be asked to interpret their experiences within the larger historical and social context. Your “interviewees” may be family members (preferably in your parents’ and grandparents’ generations), but they may also be non-relatives between the ages of 50-70 and 70+. Plug in photos if it makes the paper interesting…this is your way of getting to know your interviewees’ opinion and/or experiences, ideas, and opinions. You must use your phone (or any other taping device/Zoom/anything else to tape your interviews, transcribe it, and use the information to analyze and interpret what you’ve learned, drawing on relevant research literature. Do not include the transcriptions as part of the page limit. But feel free to quote them. Some topics to consider for your interviews (pick 1-2, but can you choose anything beyond this list that you find interesting): 1. Dating, romantic relationships, marriage 2. Race relations 3. Social media (awareness, helpful, harmful, point) 4. Sexuality and the LGBTQ issues 5. Environmental and climate change 6. Legalization of marijuana and other drugs 7. Parenting styles 8. Immigration Or anything else that interests you.

CNUAS Explains What Separates Microagressions from The Typical Social Faux Paus

In the paper I also need examples of what make microagressions seem something more than just individual infractions