LAPC Marx and Weber Sociology Essay

In class, I intentionally did not go over Benjamin’s piece, “Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction.” So, I want you to read the piece carefully. Then, IN YOUR OWN WORDS explain what you think the main argument is. Please do NOT plagiarize from a website (we check this!). For your journal, I want you […]

A Letter to Parents

As an ECEC provider, you will develop a new parent welcome letter for a specific age group (0-6, 7-12, 13-18, or 19-24 months). After reading the article Promoting Children’s Social and Emotional Development through Preschool Education (Links to an external site.) (, create a letter that explains your beliefs about social and emotional development and […]

University City High School Film Review Essay

link to te filmDue to copy rights and producers wanting to charge for films, one tries to find a site that still carries film for free. I found this site, however, the ads are very offensive. When you go to the site, expand the screen (two arrows located in the corner of the screen) to […]

600 words question , chose one to answer

In your answer, focus on Habermas’s “The Public Sphere” only.

Arizona Christian University Argument Discussion

I’m studying and need help with a Sociology question to help me learn. a) Analyzing Argument b) Evaluating Arguments and Truth Claims c) Categorical Logic 

MSU Sociology Best Boy Documentary Discussion

1)View the documentary “Best Boy” – which can be accessed via the MSU Library at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. 2) Based on the documentary “Best Boy” submit a paper that discusses Philly’s transition from dependence to independence. Include descriptions of the steps Philly took to transition from living at […]

world sociology

PART ONE- ANSWER DISCUSSION QUESTION AND RESPOND TO TWO CLASSMATES as an AFRICAN AMERICAN WOmAN 1.How would your life change if you yourself were a member of a subordinate group? Explain in detail 2.Respond to Glibert-My life would not change if i was a member of a subordinate group. To a certain extent, I have […]

UM Advocating for Transgender Women Discussion

I don’t understand this Sociology question and need help to study.… How would you as a social worker advocate for this population? Would your personal views affect advocacy? Would your religious beliefs affect your ability to ensure the rights of this population are not infringed upon? 

Aspen University Assuming the Role of Social Advocate

Week 6 – Final Paper Assuming the Role of Social Advocate [WLO: 2] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 14 of the course textbook, read the articles The Commercialization and Digitization of Social Movement Society, How to Build a Successful Movement in 4 Steps (Links to […]