HN 220 PU Community Resources in Human Services Essay

For this assignment, you will be looking at populations you might work with in your career as a human services profession. Some populations that are impacted by substance use include the mentally ill, homeless, pregnant women, veterans, families, and teens. Research your local community services and select one population that is affected by substance use […]

CCC Discriminatory Bill Harms Trans Women in Hungary Discussion

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. 1. 2. explore the website above and select a report or news story to study.  3.Provide an explanation of the social problem. What is the issue? Who is impacted and in what ways? Why is it a […]

reflection on the book fighting for a space by Travis lupick

response paper summarizing and exploring your findings. These papers are designed to encompass the main themes of the book and how they relate to the current epidemic and the high-risk population being discussed. In these papers, you will answer the following questions: What was the purpose of this book and what are the central themes? […]

internship social work log

I do my internship at the HALO center which is a homeless Shelter for nan and women below is the website for Halo I conduct case management work , help with resources I also have an example of a previous log I’ve done attached below this week is my last week at my internship for this semester im very exited , I completed my final evaluation and saw all the client I was assigned to this semester and I followed with them and did my exit guest advancement summary below is a log I did this week  Weekly Log Assignment Description of Activities (narrative, include type of activity, when and where it occurred, who was involved  (staff/clients), describe what occurred including your role); include log topic, if applicable: Click or tap here to enter text. Feelings:  Describe positive and negative personal reactions you had to situations that occurred this week. Click or tap here to enter text. Values: Discuss how personal values and professional social work values were taken into consideration this  week.  Reflect on your use of self in your placement. Click or tap here to enter text. Knowledge/Skills:  Describe theories and skills used as well as competencies and behaviors demonstrated Click or tap here to enter text.   Supervision: Describe what was discussed in supervision with your field supervisor.  What progress has been  made on your learning contract goals?  What successes did you have this week?  Challenges?  What areas  for growth have you identified?  What feedback were you given? What questions do you have for your next  supervision meeting? Click or tap here to enter text.

Santa Monica College Alcohol and Other Drugs Paper

Use the sites listed below to answer the prompt. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) site explores the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction: A short article on drug use and non-addiction:… Links to an external site. Abstract regarding illicit drug use and the darknet:… Links to an external […]

Review the three types of inequality introduced in this chapter: sexism, androcentrism, and subordination.

Review the three types of inequality introduced in this chapter: sexism, androcentrism, and subordination.  Explore this three types of inequality within the  3 of following arenas of life that you choose from this list: family, work, schooling, sexuality, religion, leisure, news media, entertainment media, or others.  How might sexism, androcentrism, and subordination look like in […]

one-dimensional man

SOCIO. ASSIGNM. Plus a 15 mn quiz.

Please, checkout the uploaded file below, where you will find information and instructions. 

Minimum 300 word paper about globalism, individualism, and pluralism and how are you feeling the forces of change in your life?

I’m trying to learn for my Sociology class and I’m stuck. Can you help? Globalism, individualism, and pluralism. These forces bring change. Many people respond to change with elevated stress and anxiety. Reflect upon your life at work, home, school, or at times when you try to relax. How are you feeling the forces of […]

Sociology of poverty