San Bernardino Valley College Makayla Johnson States Discussion

Click on this  go to the Race Card Project website. Scroll down the webpage to read the six-word reflections about race. Read at least 5-7 self-reflection posts about race. Click on the …read more link to access the entire self-reflection for each person.  In the first paragraph and 8-10, grammatically correct and meaningful sentences, summarize […]

SOCW 6002 ACU discussion

A) Examine the Florida recount controversy during the 2000 Presidential election. Who was right, who was wrong during the recounts. What were the Constitutional issues and was the Supreme Court justified in ending the recounts? (250 words) B) The 2016 Election was one of the few where the ‘winner’ of the popular vote did not […]

CER 1-Problem-Solving/Public Sociology

I’m working on a sociology multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Class Engagement Reflection (CER) 1 In your reading for this week, Monica Prasad (2018) defines problem-solving sociology and makes an argument for the common traps that we fall into trying to address social problems. Jaime Parker (2019) argues […]

Sociology of Family

Required Reading: “Diversity in Families” – Chapters 4 & 5 Instructions: As discussed in Chapters 4 & 5, today’s families are affected by macro-level forces such as the economy, immigration, and aging. Discuss how the following macro forces below have shaped your family. “Globalization and the transformation from a modern to the post-modern economy over […]

Advanced Clinical Social Work

A paper analyzing the child intervention you have chosen: PLAY THERAPY Why did you select the intervention? Why might it be especially helpful for use with children? What challenges or limitations might there be for this intervention? Chapter 6, “Clinical Practice With Children” (pp. 103–122) (Review) Chapter 17, “Dynamic Approaches to Brief and Time-Limited Clinical […]

Saint Francis Prep Therapy Psychology Discussion

A. Therapy Therapy often seems the holy grail of psychology, the almost magical cure for distress and seemingly insurmountable problems of everyone, even including Tony Soprano, a fictional character in an HBO series. In real life, doing treatment is sometimes rewarding and sometimes arduous and not rewarding. Occasionally it is terrifying, when lives are at […]

SMC Sociology Delusions of Gender Main Points Reflection Essay

Outline and reflect on the main points the author notes in chapters 17 – 19 of Delusions of Gender. How do these points offer new ways to think about gender? What points surprised you? Illuminated something new? Offered you new ways to think and act? See things differently? What resonated the most? What did you […]

Salisbury University Weekly Log Social Work Internship Essay

I do my internship at the HALO center which is a homeless Shelter for nan and women below is the website for Halo I conduct case management work , help with resources I also have an example of a previous log I’ve done attached below Weekly Log Assignment Description of Activities (narrative, include type […]