Abdill Career College Nations and Nationalism Questions

I’m working on a Sociology exercise and need support. If we consider the home as a place that is familiar, stable, and comfortable and secure, what are the kinds of meanings that we attach to our experiences of the contemporary global condition? In this lecture, we interrogate the material and symbolic connections that we attribute […]

Critically explore how society’s views of sexuality and sex have changed over time or perhaps remained static

examples to support this question: sex education, sex scripts, country and religion – thesis statement needed – my opinion: I think society’s views of sexuality and sex remained static required reading: Carmody, M 2015, ‘“Negotiating Sex” & beginning of “More than Plumbing: Sexuality Education”’, in Sex, Ethics, and Young People, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 40–61. Simon, […]

SYP 4570 UF Advertising & Influence of Self Diagnosis of Psychiatric Illness Essay

Topic: Advertising Medication, Media, and the Influence of Self-Diagnosis of Psychiatric Illness: Better Living Through Chemistry? Could advertising for psychiatric medication increase the likelihood of self-diagnosis? How might this impact the labeling of mental illness as deviant?  Background: “In late 1997, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued new guidelines that allowed pharmaceutical companies […]

QSO 322 Arizona Christian University Yoruba and Buddhism Religions Discussion

a) clearly compare/contrast the Yoruba and Buddhism religions .  How are the religions different in the way they identify humanity’s problem?  How are they similar?  How are their proposed solutions similar?  How are they different? (200 words) b) in God is Not One for this Module, Professor Prothero discusses the way in which human beings […]

Generalist Case Management Discussion Response

Respond by adding or advancing the discussion.   A.)  1. Medical information is essential to working with people who are looking for services that provide extra care/resources for their disability or incapability to work or preform day to day tasks. “A general medical examination and specialists’ reports help determine the person’s functional limitations and potential […]

Analytic Sociological Journal

Journal #1, Socialization: Drawing from Chapter 4 and the PowerPoint Lecture on Ch. 4, define socialization and define agents of socialization. Drawing from Chapter 9 discuss how your GENDER socialization process has been shaped by your family, school, religion, and/or media (choose 2; make sure to offer specific examples of how 2 of these agents of socialization have shaped your gender identity and expression – see chapter 9 for definitions of gender identity and gender expression)? Discuss which agent of socialization you feel has been the most influential in shaping you as a young adult/adult. Journal #2, Theory and Coronavirus: Drawing from a chapter you would like. discuss the major tenets of functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Discuss which theory you find the most helpful in understanding the spread of the Coronavirus and our society’s response to the virus. *Hint: Chapter 1 provides an overview of the three theories. Also, in most chapters, there are examples of how the theories are applied to various social issues. Journal #3, Race-Ethnicity and Coronavirus: Drawing from Chapter 8, Chapter 14, AND a newspaper article* of your choice discuss how racial-ethnic inequality is shaping the spread of the Coronavirus itself (i.e., the epidemiology of the virus – look up epidemiology in our textbook and/or the dictionary) in the U.S. You may focus on a specific U.S. city or state or the entire U.S. The newspaper article must be from a credible source like the Los Angeles Times, or the New York Times. Fox. CNN. etc. 

The dangerous way ads see women (15 min video)

Instructions: Answer all questions regarding the film: Killing Us Softly 4. This assignment is worth 20 points (10 questions x 2 points apiece).    The movie link: The dangerous ways ads see women | Jean Kilbourne | TEDxLafayetteCollege – YouTube  [1.] According to Jean Kilbourne, how many advertisements on average do we interact with or […]

ineffective and effective interventions

The Assignment is in two parts: REFERENCES ARE BELOW SCROLL ALL THE WAY TO THE BOTTOM PLEASE USE ALL OF THEM  Part One: Ineffective Interventions Identify the less effective counseling session you selected, and explain why it was less effective. Identify and explain the intent of the target goal in the counseling session. Explain one […]