Definitions of homeless
Write a 2 page paper identifying the similarities and differences between the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development and the U.S. Department of Education definitions of homeless.
read the following question and answer completely in 2-3 paragraphs.
I’m studying for my Sociology class and need an explanation. “The American Sociological Association, or ASA, is the major professional organization of sociologists in North America. The ASA is a great resource for students of sociology as well. The ASA maintains a code of ethics—formal guidelines for conducting sociological research—consisting of principles and ethical standards […]
Module 02 Written Assignment – Power of Socialization Interview
In a 1-2 page essay, based on your interview and your personal experience, discuss the role that individual played as an agent of socialization and explain how that individual affected your socialization and your values, beliefs, or goals. In your essay, include at least one direct quote from your interview and use at least three […]
PHIL 250 BSC Week 7 Facebook Metaverse World Paper
Part A This week’s discussion is designed to give you an opportunity to reflect on the most helpful as well as the most challenging aspects of our class. What did you find most interesting and why? What was the most challenging topic or aspect of the course? Reflect and evaluate your own performance throughout this course. How would you have approached things differently? What suggestions do you have for students entering the course? How can you communicate to an employer the knowledge and skills you have in critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making? Please post your reflection to the discussion forum as early as possible, providing an opportunity for others to review and provide feedback. Once you have shared your reflection, please respond to at least two of your classmate’s presentations and share your closing thoughts as this course comes to a close. PART B For the final piece of your Research Paper, you will reflect upon the course and how it directly relates to the Bryant & Stratton College Workplace Capabilities. Please create a video in which you address the required elements as outlined below. Bryant & Stratton College Workplace Capabilities Tolerance Communication Attitude Interpersonal Skills Perseverance Enthusiasm Problem Solving Persuasion Productivity Dependability Informational Literacy Financial Literacy For this reflection, discuss the course Workplace Capability of Tolerance and one other Workplace Capability of your choice as listed above and discuss the following: Relate these Workplace Capabilities to your future career. Describe the value of these Workplace Capabilities. In your own words reflect on how this project meets the Institutional outcomes as stated on the first page. The reflection should be approximately 2 – 3 minutes in length. Upload and submit your final reflection. Reflection Grading Criteria for Video: Address the Workplace Capability of Tolerance in relation to your Research Paper, and one other Workplace Capability form the chart. Explain how the capabilities play a role in your current or future career. Explain some of the specific strategies that you used to complete your Research Paper. PART C In the lecture, we discussed the future of mass media and how virtual reality will merge with real life. “Metaverse is a broad term. It generally refers to shared virtual world environments which people can access via the internet. Some people also use the word metaverse to describe gaming worlds, in which users have a character that can walk around and interact with other players” (Person, 2021, p.1). Facebook recently announced that they would be renovating their brand from a 2D social media platform to a full-blown metaverse. “Facebook already has more than 10,000 employees building consumer hardware like AR glasses that Zuckerberg believes will eventually be as ubiquitous as smartphones. In July, he told The Verge that, over the next several years, ‘we will effectively transition from people seeing us as primarily being a social media company to being a metaverse company’” (Heath, 2021, p.1). In your initial post, discuss the following prompts: Based on what you learned from the lecture and from outside sources, visualize and discuss what a Facebook metaverse world will look like. Consider the potential ethical dilemmas with this transformation. Explain how you think the future of the metaverse will impact society. References Heath, A. (2021, October 20). Facebook is planning to rebrand the company with a new name. The Verge. Person. (2021, October 21). Explainer: What is the “metaverse”? Reuters. PART D For the final piece of your Portfolio Project, you will reflect upon the course and how it directly relates to your future workplace. This reflection will be delivered as a Word document 1-2 pages in length. For this reflection: Analyze the importance of this project to your future career. In your own words, reflect on how this project meets the Program and Institutional outcomes as stated on the first page
case study Faridah
TO PREPARE Review the case study for this week. Start by familiarizing yourself with the disorders from the DSM-5-TR found in the Learning Resources this Week. Look within the noted sections for symptoms, behaviors, or other features the client presents within the case study. If some of the symptoms, in the case study, cause you […]
John P Stevens High School Social Construction of Sexuality Journal
Your assignment for your first journal is to summarize the most important lessons from this unit, but rather than writing a basic summary, make it creative by writing it in the form of an engaging blog post, putting yourself in the role of blogger! Make sure I know you learned the material by touching on […]
Northern Virginia Community College Socialization Discussion
take a sociological concept/term that you learned this semester, find a picture you feel represents that concept and analyze it from the sociological perspective. Pick a sociological concept/term covered in 1 of the 8 modules (terms chosen from a module not being covered this semester will not receive credit) Each student can examine terms of your own choice State, bold and define the sociological concept/term Provide a visual representation (an image) of that concept/term For the assignment you can choose from one of the following visual sources (political/editorial cartoon, image posted on a social media platform, visual depiction of a current event) Provide a write-up tying the concept and the image(s) together. This should include: “Read” into the media, tell the story of the image(s), describe the image(s)- (i.e. What do you see?) Explain how and why you feel your visual image represents the sociological term Look through the lens of the sociological perspective and apply 1 of the 3 theoretical perspectives (Functionalism, Conflict, Symbolic-Interactionism) When applying a theoretical perspective describe how your chosen theory or perspective views/explains the term. For example: Do they find it positive or negative? Are there individuals that benefit or feel it serves a function in society? Is there symbolism or different meaning and interpretations of your concept? To conclude your write up, analyze your term in Context (Relate your term to current events, societal structure, and/or your own perspective/experiences) The sociological concepts (terms, ideas) will come from the material covered in the course and are chosen by the student. Terms chosen from a chapter not included in a module will not receive credit. The visual images can come from a variety of sources. Be creative and have fun with this assignment. The length of the write-up should be at least a full page. **The visual images should be from one of the following sources/categories: Picture of an event from an article or depiction of a current event within the last 3 years Political cartoon or editorial cartoon Visual posted on a Social Media platform. Please cite the sources. For your reference, here is an example image assignment, image assignment example (pdf) Download image assignment example (pdf). sociological term that i picked is (socialization). this is one of the listsbeliefstenets or convictions that people hold to be truecounterculturesgroups that reject and oppose society’s widely accepted cultural patternscultural universalspatterns or traits that are globally common to all societiescultureshared beliefs, values, and practicesculture lagthe gap of time between the introduction of material culture and nonmaterial culture’s acceptance of itdiffusionthe spread of material and nonmaterial culture from one culture to anotherdiscoveriesthings and ideas found from what already existsethnocentrismthe evaluation and judgment of another culture based on one’s own cultural normsfolkwaysdirect, appropriate behavior in the day-to-day practices and expressions of a cultureformal normsestablished, written rulesglobalizationthe integration of international trade and finance marketshigh culturethe cultural patterns of a society’s eliteideal culturethe standards a society would like to embrace and live up toinformal normscasual behaviors that are generally and widely conformed toinnovationsnew objects or ideas introduced to culture for the first timeinventionsa combination of pieces of existing reality into new formslanguagea symbolic system of communicationmoresthe moral views and principles of a groupnormsthe visible and invisible rules of conduct through which societies are structuredpopular culturemainstream, widespread patterns among a society’s populationreal culturethe way society really is based on what actually occurs and existssanctionsa way to authorize or formally disapprove of certain behaviorsSapir-Whorf hypothesisthe way that people understand the world based on their form of languagesocial controla way to encourage conformity to cultural normssocietypeople who live in a definable community and who share a culturesubculturesgroups that share a specific identification, apart from a society’s majority, even as the members exist within a larger societysymbolsgestures or objects that have meanings associated with them that are recognized by people who share a culturevaluesa culture’s standard for discerning what is good and just in society
SOC 210 Strayer University Sociology Speaking Truth to Power Essay
WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT – SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER Week 8 Assignment – Speaking Truth to Power Overview As American citizens, we can use our voices to communicate to our authority figures about how their decisions can impact society. One of the ways that we as citizens can participate in the creation of a future where […]
FU ‘Sharing research
Purpose This assignment is intended to assess your ability to: Discuss the importance of sharing research. Explain how much and in what ways details about one’s research are reported. Overview In this assignment, you are required to write a 2- to 3-page paper on a scholarly article of your choice. You will answer the questions […]