Congress and Katrina A Failure of Oversight Article

To complete the assignment, do the following: Read the 2007 article “Congress and Katrina: A Failure of Oversight” by Jason D. Mycoff Write a 2 page (roughly 620 words) essay addressing these questions: (include word count at end of paper) What failings in Congressional oversight of FEMA were found following the response to Hurricane Andrew in 1992? […]

Jeremy Bentham Theory of Utilitarianism

Each student will write a paper on a western political theorist of the student’s choice that is in the text book but not covered in class (upon discussion with and approval of the professor theorists not in the book may be chosen). The paper will evaluate the selected theorist’s influence on the present (last 75 […]

Provincial Government and Grand Strategy Questions

Provide thorough and cogent answers to the five questions posed below. Your answers should be well–organized, coherent, and clearly address the required material in the question. You are not permitted to consult outside sources.If you consult or use outside sources, you will receive a zero. Answers to the questions must be your own and must be directly from […]

FBI Law Enforcement Agency Responsibilities

Find a law enforcement agency or security organization for whom you would consider working. For that employer, answer these questions: 1) what is the agency / organization – describe it in detail 1a) is the agency / organization public or private 1b) what responsibilities and/or duties does this agency / organization fulfill 1c) does the […]

Presidential Establishment Definitions of The Terms

Question Description a) Most presidents believe they have the ability to go beyond the formal powers provided by the Constitution. This interpretation has been supported, to some extent, by the Supreme Court. As a result, the interpretation of how far the president can go beyond their constitutional powers has changed dramatically. b) One time President […]

US Federalism Drug Policy Issue Memo

nstructions for Memo on US Federalism – Policy Issue Instructions:Identify a current public policy issue related to federalism and intergovernmental relations (national-state-local-tribal)that has resulted in conflicts and/or challenges among levels of government. The memo should discuss the following items: • Describe and explain the issue i. What makes it a federalism or intergovernmental issue? (Is there a conflict between federal action and state/local/tribal action? Is the federal government overstepping its […]

Los Angeles Israeli Jews in West Bank Documentary Analysi

uestion Description Provide short summary of the content What is your opinion on the situation presented in the movie? What is your opinion on the presentation itself? What was the most effective argument presented by each side of the conflict? What makes it effective? (try to put aside your own opinion on the subject, if you […]

Diabetes Research paper

A&P 2 2020  Term Paper Description and Requirements   Based on your research and what you are learning in class, please write an APA formatted paper focusing on a particular disease or disorder involving the organ systems covered in A&P 2.  You can choose diseases or disorders of nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, digestive or lymphatic […]

Physiology and Pathologies Presentation

You will create a AudioPowerPoint video presentation on an organ of the body. You will include a description of the anatomy, physiology, and common pathologies of the organ. PRESENTATION WILL BE ABOUT APPENDIX Detailed Anatomy= 25% Detailed Physiology= 25% Common pathologies associated with the organ= 30% have a bible verse = 10% The presentation must […]

Anaerobic Metabolism as Part of Fitness Program

Aerobic metabolism is something that we all are experts at, right? In fact we use this type of energy producing system nearly every day/all day. However, on occasion we do find ourselves in an uncomfortable position with respect to energy needs. Anaerobic metabolism is something that we normally don’t do (or at least not well). […]