MU Management Managerial Development Self Refletion Essay

You will develop up to a self reflection report that reflects on your managerial development, based on your self-assessment post-activity rating of graduate capabilities, and links these insights to key areas of learning from the Advanced Professional Practice Unit.

You should consider the following questions:

  • What skills can you currently demonstrate well, and where are there gaps for further development?
  • What has been your experience of working, and of working with others in a team?
  • What have you learned about yourself?
  • How might your values, self-beliefs and self-evaluations influence your future career choices in management?
  • How can this self-awareness help you make better future career choices in management?

You should also consider the following further questions to help:

  • What exactly was the lesson?
  • How exactly did you realise the value of the lesson?
  • What were your main thoughts, emotions and experiences during the lesson?
  • Why do you consider it worth applying?
  • How does it challenge your existing beliefs?
  • What specific plans do you have to be able to effectively apply it? 
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