Transmission of Aggression Through Imitation of Aggressive Models Research Paper

This paper should be written about a Psychology RESEARCH Study or experiment with data interpretation included.

The method section includes a clear description of the experiment/study.  The results provide data interpretation in terms of numbers.  The discussion section provides interpretation of data in words connecting to the introduction.   

The paper should follow APA format (for all sections including citations, margins, double-spacing, and 12 point Times New Roman font.  You must have at least 8 references from professional journals.  The paper must be in the following order:

Title page – page 1 (separate page) the abbreviated running head title should be on all pages as well as a page number.  However, the words “Running head” should only be on the title page

Abstract (follows the title page)

  • Method –the method section will begin on page 3.  Be sure to use subheadings (i.e., participants, materials, design, and procedure).  The subheadings should be left justified and italicized
  • Results – follows method section, not on a separate page;  Be sure to include descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
  • Discussion – follows the result section, not on a separate page; Include all parts as indicated on the handout for writing the discussion (must be three pages in length)
  • Reference list – should be on a separate page with the word “Reference” centered at the top of the page.  The reference list must include at least 8 references from professional journals (although you may include more reference if needed).  You may use internet sources for other references along with the 8 professional souces). 
  • Method Section
    The method section follows the introduction.  The word “Method” is centered at the top of the page. Use 1 inch margins and double space. The method section describes in detail how the study was conducted. The method section provides enough detail so that another experimenter can replicate the study. This section is divided into subsections (i.e., participants, material, design, and procedure).  A scoring section is optional
  • Your method section must include the following section


Materials, Equipment or Apparatus



  • Scoring (if you had to tally up or score the dependent      variable)

Result section

  • In the result section, you only include numbers regarding your results.

State the purpose of the study

  • Include descriptive statistic (either in text or in a table).

State the type of test used to analyze data. Report the interaction and main effects (providing values for the F statistic, degrees of freedom, alpha level, and p-value)

  • Discussion section (this section must be at least 3 pages)


  • Discussion Section

This section will discuss what your results were in words and the interpretation of those results.

  • ?  Paragraph 1:  The most important finding (s) and whether your hypothesis was supported

? Paragraph 2:   Additional findings 

? Paragraph 3.  Findings back into the literature (e.g., you may refer back to the introduction if 

you have one already written)

?  Paragraph 4:Methodological strengths 

  • ? Paragraph 5:   Limitations of the study 
  • ?  Paragraph 6:Hypotheses that were not  supported  
  • ?  Paragraph 7:The most important oddity/oddities in the fi
  • ?  Paragraph 8:Take home message
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