Entries by Valet

California State University San Marcos Buddhism Discussion

This is the first discussion forum. Please post your answers (by replying to this post)) to the questions at the end of the Instructor’s Comments before 11:59 PM Friday evening. The deadline to complete reading others’ posts and making your replies is 11:59 PM on Saturday evening.  Discussion Questions (1) Marianne Weber argued that marriage […]

Florida Atlantic University Sociology Inhibit Upward Mobility Paper

In class, we discussed various structural factors that inhibit upward mobility. Drawing on a wide variety of readings and videos on gender, debt, crime/punishment/courts/police, race, health, neighborhood dynamics (including ghettoization/redlining/gentrification), etc., you will show how and why upward economic mobility is difficult in this country for people of various backgrounds. (NOTE: This is a purposely […]

CC Sociology the Removal of The Robert E Lee Statue Questions

Question 1  Berger and Luckmann state that we are born into an ‘objective social structure’ and that we have only a limited ability to subjectively appropriate and interpret it for ourselves.  Discuss how the categories of race, gender, and class predate any one individual, and how we are bound to identify ourselves in relation to […]

Anne Marie Slaughter Questions

I’m stuck on a Sociology question and need an explanation. https://embed.ted.com/talks/anne_marie_slaughter_can_we_all_have_it_all# Public policy expert Anne-Marie Slaughter made waves with her 2012 article, “Why women still can’t have it all.” But really, is this only a question for women? Here Slaughter expands her ideas and explains why shifts in work culture, public policy and social mores […]

LU Sociology the Effects of Social Stratification on People Essay

For your final essay in which you will apply sociological concepts to your anticipated career. Select FOUR SOCIOLOGICAL concepts/topics from at least TWO different chapters for your essay. In discussing information from your text, you MUST reference the location of the text. While our text does not have page numbers, you would instead note the […]

Los Angeles Pierce College Classical Writings Paper

Prompt: one quote from one of the attached reading (you pick) After you have done at least one of the required readings, pick one of them and identify the quote that you believe best summarizes the main argument, or one of the main arguments, of the piece. Type the quote at the top of your […]

HGTC Sociology Family British Family Living in France Worksheet

Find an online news or magazine article relevant to the lecture topic that is no older than three years in age. As for the topic, you will choose an article covering any aspect of deviance and/or criminal justice.  Once you have selected your article, open up and complete the attached Current Event Worksheet. When completing […]